

today is 25th Feb

today oso is thursday..means tomorrow is friday..bestnyeee..!!hehe..bnyk bend yg aku tgu utk sok..antrenye, dh penghujung minggu..rilek sket laa..gaji pon dh nk dpt, so leh sopink..nk bli gobok << org KL ckp jua menunggu pulangnye dia..;)

sy juge xsaba tgu berakhirnya ari jumaat sbb nk berehat secukupnye..too bz dis week..too much workload..i need sum rest b4 new week started coz a lots of work waiting 4 me..*sighhh

skang ni still kt ofis, finished up all my works for 2day sblm aku terlupe..dh le igtan ni xbape sgt..bnyk sgt makan semut ni..kekeke..skang ni ngh dgr lagu Love Story..xjemu2 ku mendengarnye...:)

diam xdiam, aku dh keje almost 3months..dh cnfirm tu..brite baek..!!hehe..nex month, my status is PERMENANT far, prestasi memberangsangkan..cehh, eveluate dri sndri plak..kekeke

hmm..ape cerite kekwan ku yg laen eh??i believe sume bz ngn keje msg2..lme dh xdgr cite..plak tu aku dh tuka no fon..hp ilang, so sume no dlm fonbook sudah ilang..kalo sesape kekawan yg bace blog ni, nk no br aku, le msg di FB k or frenster..

> kangen..

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today is 25th Feb

today oso is thursday..means tomorrow is friday..bestnyeee..!!hehe..bnyk bend yg aku tgu utk sok..antrenye, dh penghujung minggu..rilek sket laa..gaji pon dh nk dpt, so leh sopink..nk bli gobok << org KL ckp jua menunggu pulangnye dia..;)

sy juge xsaba tgu berakhirnya ari jumaat sbb nk berehat secukupnye..too bz dis week..too much workload..i need sum rest b4 new week started coz a lots of work waiting 4 me..*sighhh

skang ni still kt ofis, finished up all my works for 2day sblm aku terlupe..dh le igtan ni xbape sgt..bnyk sgt makan semut ni..kekeke..skang ni ngh dgr lagu Love Story..xjemu2 ku mendengarnye...:)

diam xdiam, aku dh keje almost 3months..dh cnfirm tu..brite baek..!!hehe..nex month, my status is PERMENANT far, prestasi memberangsangkan..cehh, eveluate dri sndri plak..kekeke

hmm..ape cerite kekwan ku yg laen eh??i believe sume bz ngn keje msg2..lme dh xdgr cite..plak tu aku dh tuka no fon..hp ilang, so sume no dlm fonbook sudah ilang..kalo sesape kekawan yg bace blog ni, nk no br aku, le msg di FB k or frenster..

> kangen..

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