


1.Thank & link the person that gave you the award

~ Thank to Nour sbb tag nk langsaikan utang u ni..hehee

2. pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic

~ en. B saye (kalo awk smpt wat la)
~ kak Ern (nk kasi blog kak Ern meriah sket)
~ intan (pls update ur blog darl)
~ azrie (i still follow ur blog oke)
~ amar (dh jd ptd kan, update2!!)
~ izo (meh rehat dr kejap wat tag ni)
~ ajan (blog ko dh penuh kesah kawen, masuk tag lak..hahah)
~ kak pid (dh leh online kt opis lg, update blog!!)
~ dan sesape sje yg dh bace n nk jwb tag ini..peace!

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award

~ momantai...ill let them know :)

4. State 7 things about yourself.

1. rambut aku dah panjang n dah leh ikat..hahahaha

2. terlalu obses pd soto nasi lately..kalo lapa mesti igt soto..

3. suke bazir duet..

4. kuat nanges!

5. suke tgk wyg, tp sekelip mate leh lupe cite yg aku dh tgk tu..

6. kalo drive sorg2, aku akan drive kalo ade teman disebelah, slow jek kete aku ni, sbb ade org nk nyembang...hee

7. oh, xleh idup tanpa FB n blog..dan sbb itu aku dh pkai broadband..kehkeh

ade lg ker??bnyk kot psal aku ni..ade mse cite lg!!



Nour said...

waaa ur B pun ade blog eh, haha mau usha lah~ da daa =p

marya said... berjinak2 tp he actly got no time to do ths..kalo dtg meroyan die nk membebel, adele die update..hahahahaha

iNtaN said...

haha, tade sempat la nk update blog. kah3 (mcm bz sgt)



1.Thank & link the person that gave you the award

~ Thank to Nour sbb tag nk langsaikan utang u ni..hehee

2. pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic

~ en. B saye (kalo awk smpt wat la)
~ kak Ern (nk kasi blog kak Ern meriah sket)
~ intan (pls update ur blog darl)
~ azrie (i still follow ur blog oke)
~ amar (dh jd ptd kan, update2!!)
~ izo (meh rehat dr kejap wat tag ni)
~ ajan (blog ko dh penuh kesah kawen, masuk tag lak..hahah)
~ kak pid (dh leh online kt opis lg, update blog!!)
~ dan sesape sje yg dh bace n nk jwb tag ini..peace!

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award

~ momantai...ill let them know :)

4. State 7 things about yourself.

1. rambut aku dah panjang n dah leh ikat..hahahaha

2. terlalu obses pd soto nasi lately..kalo lapa mesti igt soto..

3. suke bazir duet..

4. kuat nanges!

5. suke tgk wyg, tp sekelip mate leh lupe cite yg aku dh tgk tu..

6. kalo drive sorg2, aku akan drive kalo ade teman disebelah, slow jek kete aku ni, sbb ade org nk nyembang...hee

7. oh, xleh idup tanpa FB n blog..dan sbb itu aku dh pkai broadband..kehkeh

ade lg ker??bnyk kot psal aku ni..ade mse cite lg!!



Nour said...

waaa ur B pun ade blog eh, haha mau usha lah~ da daa =p

marya said... berjinak2 tp he actly got no time to do ths..kalo dtg meroyan die nk membebel, adele die update..hahahahaha

iNtaN said...

haha, tade sempat la nk update blog. kah3 (mcm bz sgt)