


pd sesape yg rse2 nk bagi hadiah bday in advance pd saye, sila lah belikan sy seutas jam tgn sbb jam tangan sy sudah rosak..hahahahahaha..sila pastikan jam tgn itu bernilai dan berkualiti tinggi supaya ianya tidak rosak dlm mse yg singkat..hahahaha..gila aku ni mntk adiah kt org..nvm, tp mmg aku perlukan jam pon.. hidup rse xsempurna tanpa jam..huhu..

psst, lupekan saje entry yg menagrut ini..:p


a note for him..

to my dearie b,

thank u so much for whateva uve done for me..
really appreciate it..
thanks for taking care of me..
thanks for listen to me..
thanks for the cook (sedappp!! sgt terharu!)..
thanks for the LOVE..
thanks for you..
thanks for everything...

*u prove to me that u r the ONE for me..I LOVE U so muchhhhh!!

Note: sory for other reader oke..hahaha



knp aku kasihkan dia?
knp aku sayangkan dia?
knp aku cintakan dia?
knp aku rindukan dia?

*hny meluahkan ape yg xdpt diluahkan



aku bnyk gile keje ni!!!!!pening pale nk wat mne satu dlu..haishhhh...!!sbb dh pening sgt aku bukak Fb ngn update blog yg cm xbape siap ni..bile la aku nk tuka layout aku ni??haishhh..

dah la..smbg keje!



mencintai dan dicintai..

.....very though..dugaan sentiase dtg..menguji kesabaran, kesetiaan, kejujuran..percaya, tp adekala mesti ade yg menggangu..namun cinta mengatasi segala..hingga satu tahap jika dibiarkan, cinta itu tak mungkin maseh ade di hati......


Saje jawab Tag

he rules : If you’ve been tagged or you are reading this, you have the honor of copying all these goofy questions, writing your own response, and tagging 25 other victims. You have to
tag me so really you just need 24 more people. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. :P

~ I was tagged by...ermm..just reading Nur's Blog..hehee

1. What time did you get up this morning?
6.45, and suddenly terigt my work..hahaha

2. How do you like your steak
Dont really like it..

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

4. What is your favourite TV show?
Skang ni penonton setia Conan and Kiteretsu..haha

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
i just love beach...

6. What did you have for breakfast?
hot nescafe 'o' and some kueh...hehe

7. What is your favorite cuisine?

8. What foods do you dislike?

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
gerai tepian pantai..

10. Favorite dressing?
normally is simple n depends on my mood..;)

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
black ebony it!

12. What are your favorite clothes?
baju besar style ibu mengandung..hahaha

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Paris n Japan

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

15. Where would you want to retire?
belom pk..

16. Favorite time of day?
sleeping time..

17. Where were you born?

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
depends..badminton, bowling..

19. Who do you think will not tag you back?

20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
ade ke?hahaha

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?

22. Bird watcher?

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
nite, ermmm..yeke?haha

24. Do you have any pets?
dont hv any..

25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
doctor, but now a QS..

27. What is your best childhood memory?
banyak sgt ler..

28. Are you a cat or dog person?
no idea..

29. Are you married?

30. Always wear your seat belt?
only for long journey..:)

31. Been in a car accident?
small yes..

32. Any pet peeves?

33. Favorite Pizza Topping?
xtau la..tau makan jek..haha

34. Favorite Flower?
red roses..

35. Favorite ice cream?
jarang mkn ice cream oke..

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
mcd in the heart!hahaha

37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
of cos pass on the 1st time..huhu *belagak ni

38. From whom did you get your last email?
my matters..

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
oowhhh..uncontrollable this one..haha

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
cant remember..

42. Broccoli?
oh!im lovin it..

43. What was your favourite vacation?
Beach i think..

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
my dearie bf, kamarul..i love u b..(erk tibe2 hahaha)

45. What are you listening to right now?
tiada musik ketika ini..

46. What is your favourite color?
black n red..

47. How many tattoos do you have?

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
dunno yet

49. When did you finish this quiz?
almost there

50. Coffee Drinker?
i am!

~ Pn Pid yg xde keje kt umah tu..
~ Anyone yg nk wat..hehe


what happen to my car??

aiyaa..sedihnye..nk nanges rasenye..smlm ptg aku ni begitu semangat nk belaja berenang..g amek bf aku, then nek la kete aku..swim la kami ber2..last2 mse blk, bf aku reverse xpasan ade water hydrant kt belakang..skali gedeganggg!!!!waaaa...kopak la duit bf aku 300 nk repair sume..asal2 plan akhir bulan br nk ketuk n cat xpasan yg booth kete xleh tutup xleh lock la kan kete?bahaye tu..kerna terpkse, kne gak anta bengkel mlm semlm jugak..

dan mslah ke2 ialah cane aku nk g keje arini??sbb kamarul arini kne pegi mersing ade site visit..mcm2 pk dh ni, nk bwk kete die, kete manual..aku dh lme gle xbwk..takott! haishh..mslh2...dan akhirnye kerna kesian kt die berpk bagai nk rak, aku pon redha la bwk kete die..sbnrnye aku boleh bwk, cme xbiase plus takot bukit..haha..sudahnye die kne train aku mlm td gak..hahaha..dan aku berjaye blk seorg dri ke rmh mlm smlm dan smpai ke tmpt kerja pg ini dgn jaya neves tu xyah cite la..neves cm nk amek test JPJ..kakakaka

k la..bubye!


sy suda potong rambut lagi..

lg2 potong kali ni laen sket sbb nye sgt pendek..haha..pendek gile lah..then tmbh colour b ckp, "asal kaler cm xnmpk?syg dh kne tipu ngn cine tu ni.."..die bsing sbb die baya la, mekaseh b!!hmm..xpela, yg penting setiap kali potong rmabut, aku mesti sgt hepi..xtau nape..k la..bubye!


ade rupe org cine ker?

aku rse muke aku ni muke melayu..
tp knp org igt aku ni cine..
bukan stakat 1-2 kali..
tp tak terkire kalinye..
ade sabtu lpas, aku blk segamat g umah akk aku..
nk g bli goreng pisang..
budak yg jual tu "kejap ar amoi"..
aku pon senyap dan senyum jela..
pastu bdk tu sndr yg ckp, 'eh silapla..igt kan cine, tp nmpk dlm kete ade tulisan Allah"
dan aku pom gelak..hahaha


additional resolution for the year 2010..

just realise, so berazam utk menjadi seorg yg lebih berjimat..saving for my master..bnyk nk pkai duit ni..gaji kecik jek..berusaha mariana, berusaha!

pece lele oh pece lele..

mesti ade yg tau ape yg aku mksdkn kan??bg sape yg xtau, itu ade sejenis makanan cam ayam lauk die bukan ayam tp ikan keli goreng..arghhhh..cite pon aku dh terliur ni..ishh

aku mmg dh addicted gile ngn mknn ni..sedap gile, ade tempe goreng, ade smbal belacan..yummy2..aku dh suke mkn mknn ni dr sebelum aku pindah gara2 cik abag syaang i la yg aja makan..

skang ni aku lak yg over..asek nk makan ari sabtu n ahad semalam xdpt mkn..sbb kedai tutup sbb aku g lewat sgt..hope arini dpt mkan ye b...plsssshhhh!!!



Happy New Year 2010!!

hari baru, bulan baru dan tahun baru..
slalunye tahun baru ni dikaitkan dgn azam..lantas, apakah azam aku tahun ini?aku xperlu pk panjang ape azamnye kerna even nk sambut tahun baru pon aku br sedar di hari terakhir tahun 2009..hahahajadi, xsmpt pk ape..yg pasti aku mahukan azam ku pd tahun 2009 disambung..dengar mcm itulah hakikatnye..kite perlu mengejar ape yg kita mahukan..kite ade aim..kalo dok asek wat azam, tp xcapai tahun lpas, then tahun ni wat baru..xgune kan??

kalo nk cite azam ni, masing2 ade pendapat masing2..let me b transparent..apakah azam aku tahun 2009??

1. mempunyai sebuah kereta kerna sudah bekerja
2. sambung blaja di peringkat master..
3. aku mau kawen..hahaha

xkirelah ianya dikedudukan no 1 atau 2 atau 3, yg pasti ke3-3 adelah same penting..pd tahun 2009 aku dan berjaya mencapai azam ku yg pertama iaitu sebuah kereta di atas namaku..sronok gile sbb ini adelah hasil titik peluhku sendri..dan yg pasti sang hitam itu telah berkhidmat pd aku hampur satu tahun..jadi tau la kan ape azam aku pd tahun 2010 ni kan??mesti lah no 2 & 3..hahaha..insyaAllah..salah satunya akan dicapai pd tahun ini..kalo no 2 dtg dlu, no 3 nmpknye tertangguh seketika dan kalo dapat ke2-2nye alangkah bahagianyee..hehehe

satu lagi, tp bukan azam la..harapan dan doa sebenarnya iaitu hidup aku, keluarge aku sentiase bahagia dan diberkati..aminnn..

enough. till c u nex entry..(cm lame lagik jek..hahaha)

nota kaki: terigt peristiwa malam tahun baru 2009, rumah dimasuki perompak..huu



pd sesape yg rse2 nk bagi hadiah bday in advance pd saye, sila lah belikan sy seutas jam tgn sbb jam tangan sy sudah rosak..hahahahahaha..sila pastikan jam tgn itu bernilai dan berkualiti tinggi supaya ianya tidak rosak dlm mse yg singkat..hahahaha..gila aku ni mntk adiah kt org..nvm, tp mmg aku perlukan jam pon.. hidup rse xsempurna tanpa jam..huhu..

psst, lupekan saje entry yg menagrut ini..:p


a note for him..

to my dearie b,

thank u so much for whateva uve done for me..
really appreciate it..
thanks for taking care of me..
thanks for listen to me..
thanks for the cook (sedappp!! sgt terharu!)..
thanks for the LOVE..
thanks for you..
thanks for everything...

*u prove to me that u r the ONE for me..I LOVE U so muchhhhh!!

Note: sory for other reader oke..hahaha



knp aku kasihkan dia?
knp aku sayangkan dia?
knp aku cintakan dia?
knp aku rindukan dia?

*hny meluahkan ape yg xdpt diluahkan



aku bnyk gile keje ni!!!!!pening pale nk wat mne satu dlu..haishhhh...!!sbb dh pening sgt aku bukak Fb ngn update blog yg cm xbape siap ni..bile la aku nk tuka layout aku ni??haishhh..

dah la..smbg keje!



mencintai dan dicintai..

.....very though..dugaan sentiase dtg..menguji kesabaran, kesetiaan, kejujuran..percaya, tp adekala mesti ade yg menggangu..namun cinta mengatasi segala..hingga satu tahap jika dibiarkan, cinta itu tak mungkin maseh ade di hati......


Saje jawab Tag

he rules : If you’ve been tagged or you are reading this, you have the honor of copying all these goofy questions, writing your own response, and tagging 25 other victims. You have to
tag me so really you just need 24 more people. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. :P

~ I was tagged by...ermm..just reading Nur's Blog..hehee

1. What time did you get up this morning?
6.45, and suddenly terigt my work..hahaha

2. How do you like your steak
Dont really like it..

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

4. What is your favourite TV show?
Skang ni penonton setia Conan and Kiteretsu..haha

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
i just love beach...

6. What did you have for breakfast?
hot nescafe 'o' and some kueh...hehe

7. What is your favorite cuisine?

8. What foods do you dislike?

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
gerai tepian pantai..

10. Favorite dressing?
normally is simple n depends on my mood..;)

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
black ebony it!

12. What are your favorite clothes?
baju besar style ibu mengandung..hahaha

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Paris n Japan

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

15. Where would you want to retire?
belom pk..

16. Favorite time of day?
sleeping time..

17. Where were you born?

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
depends..badminton, bowling..

19. Who do you think will not tag you back?

20. Person you expect to tag you back first?
ade ke?hahaha

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?

22. Bird watcher?

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
nite, ermmm..yeke?haha

24. Do you have any pets?
dont hv any..

25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
doctor, but now a QS..

27. What is your best childhood memory?
banyak sgt ler..

28. Are you a cat or dog person?
no idea..

29. Are you married?

30. Always wear your seat belt?
only for long journey..:)

31. Been in a car accident?
small yes..

32. Any pet peeves?

33. Favorite Pizza Topping?
xtau la..tau makan jek..haha

34. Favorite Flower?
red roses..

35. Favorite ice cream?
jarang mkn ice cream oke..

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
mcd in the heart!hahaha

37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
of cos pass on the 1st time..huhu *belagak ni

38. From whom did you get your last email?
my matters..

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
oowhhh..uncontrollable this one..haha

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
cant remember..

42. Broccoli?
oh!im lovin it..

43. What was your favourite vacation?
Beach i think..

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
my dearie bf, kamarul..i love u b..(erk tibe2 hahaha)

45. What are you listening to right now?
tiada musik ketika ini..

46. What is your favourite color?
black n red..

47. How many tattoos do you have?

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz?
dunno yet

49. When did you finish this quiz?
almost there

50. Coffee Drinker?
i am!

~ Pn Pid yg xde keje kt umah tu..
~ Anyone yg nk wat..hehe


what happen to my car??

aiyaa..sedihnye..nk nanges rasenye..smlm ptg aku ni begitu semangat nk belaja berenang..g amek bf aku, then nek la kete aku..swim la kami ber2..last2 mse blk, bf aku reverse xpasan ade water hydrant kt belakang..skali gedeganggg!!!!waaaa...kopak la duit bf aku 300 nk repair sume..asal2 plan akhir bulan br nk ketuk n cat xpasan yg booth kete xleh tutup xleh lock la kan kete?bahaye tu..kerna terpkse, kne gak anta bengkel mlm semlm jugak..

dan mslah ke2 ialah cane aku nk g keje arini??sbb kamarul arini kne pegi mersing ade site visit..mcm2 pk dh ni, nk bwk kete die, kete manual..aku dh lme gle xbwk..takott! haishh..mslh2...dan akhirnye kerna kesian kt die berpk bagai nk rak, aku pon redha la bwk kete die..sbnrnye aku boleh bwk, cme xbiase plus takot bukit..haha..sudahnye die kne train aku mlm td gak..hahaha..dan aku berjaye blk seorg dri ke rmh mlm smlm dan smpai ke tmpt kerja pg ini dgn jaya neves tu xyah cite la..neves cm nk amek test JPJ..kakakaka

k la..bubye!


sy suda potong rambut lagi..

lg2 potong kali ni laen sket sbb nye sgt pendek..haha..pendek gile lah..then tmbh colour b ckp, "asal kaler cm xnmpk?syg dh kne tipu ngn cine tu ni.."..die bsing sbb die baya la, mekaseh b!!hmm..xpela, yg penting setiap kali potong rmabut, aku mesti sgt hepi..xtau nape..k la..bubye!


ade rupe org cine ker?

aku rse muke aku ni muke melayu..
tp knp org igt aku ni cine..
bukan stakat 1-2 kali..
tp tak terkire kalinye..
ade sabtu lpas, aku blk segamat g umah akk aku..
nk g bli goreng pisang..
budak yg jual tu "kejap ar amoi"..
aku pon senyap dan senyum jela..
pastu bdk tu sndr yg ckp, 'eh silapla..igt kan cine, tp nmpk dlm kete ade tulisan Allah"
dan aku pom gelak..hahaha


additional resolution for the year 2010..

just realise, so berazam utk menjadi seorg yg lebih berjimat..saving for my master..bnyk nk pkai duit ni..gaji kecik jek..berusaha mariana, berusaha!

pece lele oh pece lele..

mesti ade yg tau ape yg aku mksdkn kan??bg sape yg xtau, itu ade sejenis makanan cam ayam lauk die bukan ayam tp ikan keli goreng..arghhhh..cite pon aku dh terliur ni..ishh

aku mmg dh addicted gile ngn mknn ni..sedap gile, ade tempe goreng, ade smbal belacan..yummy2..aku dh suke mkn mknn ni dr sebelum aku pindah gara2 cik abag syaang i la yg aja makan..

skang ni aku lak yg over..asek nk makan ari sabtu n ahad semalam xdpt mkn..sbb kedai tutup sbb aku g lewat sgt..hope arini dpt mkan ye b...plsssshhhh!!!



Happy New Year 2010!!

hari baru, bulan baru dan tahun baru..
slalunye tahun baru ni dikaitkan dgn azam..lantas, apakah azam aku tahun ini?aku xperlu pk panjang ape azamnye kerna even nk sambut tahun baru pon aku br sedar di hari terakhir tahun 2009..hahahajadi, xsmpt pk ape..yg pasti aku mahukan azam ku pd tahun 2009 disambung..dengar mcm itulah hakikatnye..kite perlu mengejar ape yg kita mahukan..kite ade aim..kalo dok asek wat azam, tp xcapai tahun lpas, then tahun ni wat baru..xgune kan??

kalo nk cite azam ni, masing2 ade pendapat masing2..let me b transparent..apakah azam aku tahun 2009??

1. mempunyai sebuah kereta kerna sudah bekerja
2. sambung blaja di peringkat master..
3. aku mau kawen..hahaha

xkirelah ianya dikedudukan no 1 atau 2 atau 3, yg pasti ke3-3 adelah same penting..pd tahun 2009 aku dan berjaya mencapai azam ku yg pertama iaitu sebuah kereta di atas namaku..sronok gile sbb ini adelah hasil titik peluhku sendri..dan yg pasti sang hitam itu telah berkhidmat pd aku hampur satu tahun..jadi tau la kan ape azam aku pd tahun 2010 ni kan??mesti lah no 2 & 3..hahaha..insyaAllah..salah satunya akan dicapai pd tahun ini..kalo no 2 dtg dlu, no 3 nmpknye tertangguh seketika dan kalo dapat ke2-2nye alangkah bahagianyee..hehehe

satu lagi, tp bukan azam la..harapan dan doa sebenarnya iaitu hidup aku, keluarge aku sentiase bahagia dan diberkati..aminnn..

enough. till c u nex entry..(cm lame lagik jek..hahaha)

nota kaki: terigt peristiwa malam tahun baru 2009, rumah dimasuki perompak..huu