Pagi td aku taip sms..ianye berbunyi begini.. “A bit stress ths moning”
Then my fren replied “nape?”
I said “work plus personal”
My fren still reply my sms eventho dia dlm meeting room..ade presentation by aku pon ckp “xpela, sory”
Then he replied “sory2, nnt dh abes meeting aku msg blk”
Kalo org len, agak2 ade tak nk layan aku sms cam gitu?kalo bf aku pon xkn kot..inilah yg dikatakan kawan yg ssh nk dicari..ssh senang bersame walau apepon..he is my truly fren lah..
Bnyk melayan karenah aku yg mcm2 ni..listen to me the most..dialah yg tgk aku menangis, dialah juga yg tgk aku ketawe..dialah yg jaga aku tatkala aku demam di singapura..dialah yg menjadi penasihat terhormat aku..dia jugak yg terpkse dgr mslh aku..
Walaupon aku marah dia, dia marah aku..aku kutuk dia, dia kutuk aku, aku xkesah sbb aku tau hati budinya..tak simpan dlm hati lnsg lah!..kteorg dh berkawan almost 6years (sepanjang di uitm)..blaja same2, cume keje jek xsame skang..bnyk gak mamat ni tlg aku lg2 nk siapkan thesis..mekaseh2..
Dulu rmai slh sngke igtkn kteorg ade affair..but lme2, org pon kteorg biarlah ape org nk kate, asalkan kteorg tau ape situasi sbnrnye..till now, our frenship maseh kekal..
Khas utk dia, terima kaseh atas segalanye..
>slalu jd bossy ngn die..dan dia akn kate “baek boss!”
~~when my heart say something, when i can feel something, and the chapter will begin~~~
27.4.09 back!
welcome back my favourite tv series!!hehe..its 2nd season..mish damn much..eza, zack imran..wahahaha..
so anyone yg follow ths series, dont forget to watch it every sunday, 8tv, 1030pm..
> sape yg tertinggal tgk 1st & 2nd epi, tgk la kt catch up tv @
so anyone yg follow ths series, dont forget to watch it every sunday, 8tv, 1030pm..
> sape yg tertinggal tgk 1st & 2nd epi, tgk la kt catch up tv @
Back frm holiday.
Balik dr kg semalam..mule2 igt nk blk pg td then terus g keje, tp sbbkn aku demam, aku terus jela gerak smlm..takut bgn pg xlarat nk drive back to shah smlm redah jela..redah2 pon syok gak, layan prsn sndri smpai xsedar meter kete cecah 140km/hr..hahaha...panas telinge kejap dgr abahku membebel sbb xsmpai sejam aku dh smpai klang dr seremban..adehh!wat perangai dahh..hehe
Las entry aku ade ckp nk pindah masuk mah baru kan..unfortunately, xjd masuk las week..sbbnye owner xsiap renovate lagi..die ngh psg tile dlm blk minor works lah..saba2..ari khamis ni lah pindah..means kami satu umah bercuti!!yeyyyy...(fyi, ni umh staff - company provide) leh la cuti..soknye lak labour day, cuti lagi!!(bday adek, hepy bday!!)
Oh ye..sblm terlupe..cite psal sahabatku yg selamat berkawen ngn pilihan hatinye..majlisnye meriah..die pilih kaler dark choc..cantek! xrmai kwn2 yg dtg..sbbnye mebi musim final exam (dorg further study pjj klas weekend)..pastu mungkin xdpt cuti..Maybe!i dunno..aku len, sbb aku ni semangat sket..kalo ade mjlis, mmg aku akan dtg selagi dijemput..kwn2 kan..jauh mane akan ku pegi jua..insyaAllah..ceyy..hehe
> just realised yg bdn aku pnas lagi..haishh..
Las entry aku ade ckp nk pindah masuk mah baru kan..unfortunately, xjd masuk las week..sbbnye owner xsiap renovate lagi..die ngh psg tile dlm blk minor works lah..saba2..ari khamis ni lah pindah..means kami satu umah bercuti!!yeyyyy...(fyi, ni umh staff - company provide) leh la cuti..soknye lak labour day, cuti lagi!!(bday adek, hepy bday!!)
Oh ye..sblm terlupe..cite psal sahabatku yg selamat berkawen ngn pilihan hatinye..majlisnye meriah..die pilih kaler dark choc..cantek! xrmai kwn2 yg dtg..sbbnye mebi musim final exam (dorg further study pjj klas weekend)..pastu mungkin xdpt cuti..Maybe!i dunno..aku len, sbb aku ni semangat sket..kalo ade mjlis, mmg aku akan dtg selagi dijemput..kwn2 kan..jauh mane akan ku pegi jua..insyaAllah..ceyy..hehe
> just realised yg bdn aku pnas lagi..haishh..
Balik Kg!
Tujuan balik kg ni ade dua sebenarnye..satu ada majlis cukur jambul anak sedare aku suraya..the nex day (sunday), sahabatku lak kawen...wawawa..cikgu fizik ni..sorg sorg kawen..bulan 6 ni aku ade 3 majlis menanti kedatangan ku..hehehe..
Balik ahad ni, aku mula berpindah ke rumah baru! dr klang ke shah alam..dekat sket ngn ofis kt ttdi jaya..brg2 td dh kemas time lunch..penat gile!xpe, sok ade org tlg angkat site dtg tlg angktkan..heavennyee hidup aku..hehe
> mood arini biase2 aje..
> my konvo 30th May (saje nk bgtau awal..hehe)
> bulan 6 insyaAllah ke Pantai Timur (sajee gak!)
Balik ahad ni, aku mula berpindah ke rumah baru! dr klang ke shah alam..dekat sket ngn ofis kt ttdi jaya..brg2 td dh kemas time lunch..penat gile!xpe, sok ade org tlg angkat site dtg tlg angktkan..heavennyee hidup aku..hehe
> mood arini biase2 aje..
> my konvo 30th May (saje nk bgtau awal..hehe)
> bulan 6 insyaAllah ke Pantai Timur (sajee gak!)
Mood arini starting with blur..
Status kesihatan maseh xbape elok..headache xilang2 lg (xmkn ubat pon)..smlm satu ari pening..migrain kah aku?
Wpn begitu, aku perlu pegi JB (outstation!)..sob sob.
Smlm had a fight with sumbody..seb baek end up with solution and peace..i guess!
Minggu ni nk balik ank2 sedare yg ramai tu..mish their kisses and hugs!
> Moge jiwa aku tidak kacau lg.
Status kesihatan maseh xbape elok..headache xilang2 lg (xmkn ubat pon)..smlm satu ari pening..migrain kah aku?
Wpn begitu, aku perlu pegi JB (outstation!)..sob sob.
Smlm had a fight with sumbody..seb baek end up with solution and peace..i guess!
Minggu ni nk balik ank2 sedare yg ramai tu..mish their kisses and hugs!
> Moge jiwa aku tidak kacau lg.
Keje Gile.
Las weekend aku dh wat keje gile..sgt gile..gile sgt2..naek genting till 430am!
Pastu pulang ke shah alam sorg2..lg satu keje gile!
Sudahnye smlm pengsan satu ari..
Arini pening xterkate..
> Keje gile or cinta gile?
Pastu pulang ke shah alam sorg2..lg satu keje gile!
Sudahnye smlm pengsan satu ari..
Arini pening xterkate..
> Keje gile or cinta gile?
Never b late.
my boss said "b punctual, 830 to 5..if u hv ths dicipline, wherever u go, u'll success" during meeting early in ths morning..
so far, aku xpenah masuk office lambat unless ade hal penting..becoz aku sendiri xsuke LAMBAT.!hate it actually..aku xsuke menunggu dan ditunggu..ill make sure that ill b there on time..
dan aku juga setuju dgn kate2 boss aku tu..kalo aku tergerak lambat g keje (but smpai sharp on time k), bile masuk keje mesti cm kelam kabut..mknenye, kalo dtg awal sket, leh bwk bertenang, berpk secara tenang, no rush..
jd pd sesape yg slalu lambat tu, bwk2 lah berubah..bad reputation tu..huhu
>im just giving an opinion
so far, aku xpenah masuk office lambat unless ade hal penting..becoz aku sendiri xsuke LAMBAT.!hate it actually..aku xsuke menunggu dan ditunggu..ill make sure that ill b there on time..
dan aku juga setuju dgn kate2 boss aku tu..kalo aku tergerak lambat g keje (but smpai sharp on time k), bile masuk keje mesti cm kelam kabut..mknenye, kalo dtg awal sket, leh bwk bertenang, berpk secara tenang, no rush..
jd pd sesape yg slalu lambat tu, bwk2 lah berubah..bad reputation tu..huhu
>im just giving an opinion
Serabut cam sabut.
i had a small conversation with my oficemate during lunch..women's a lots of input..cite sket2 my problem lately..
1. headache agak teruk lately..mebi becoz minum bnyk sgt kopi (mslh lme ni..hehe)..but the worse part is i faced some problem in body movement..pergerakan xstabil..jalan asek langgar bende jek (pintu, meje)..kalo jalan tu, cm lalok..haha..tak tipu, tp its true!serious rite??
2. i need fresh room (ofis n house) both xde opening, i mean tingkap..i need sunshine so tht leh rse fresh..again, confine space problem (claustrophobia)..faced ths problem b4..seb baek my new house nnt blk i ade tingkap..sounds silly kan problem ni?
3. thinking too much..ths is my big problem..dh ramai ckp i mcm xleh la, mest nk pk dan pk dan pk..hadoyai..slalunye time free2, nk tdo, mule lah jadi bend last, terlena dalam pemikiran.....
sume mslh ni drag me into depression..have to admit it..xsangka i faced ths problem..and mse sembang2 td, my fren said sumthg yg really good for me lah..
1. control minum kopi tu..kurangkan kalo leh (bole ker?hehe)..but dont forget to exercise..
2. ths one ssh sket sbb sakit sape leh tahan kan?bnykkan berjalan, amek udara segar, jgn dok terperap jek dlm bilik either office or aku slalu wat sbb xleh dok dlm blk lme sgt..kne gak jalan2..
3. do not thinking too much..let it be..she ask me "can u solve ur prob by the time u r thinking?no kan?so just let it be..sumtimes, problem can b solved by the time.."..i think its true..and she suggest me to read some books or listen to music b4 sleep..our brain need rest..when we r thinking, its still working..meaning tht my brain do not hv enough rest..true!i tortured my brain lah..sory..hehe
i think i shud follow those suggestion lah..harapnye no depression anymore..if tak menjadi jugak, i think i shud go for pakar lah..
> depression oh depression!
> just realised tht sumtimes i need to talk to sumbody else bout my prob (sy perahsie orgnye)
1. headache agak teruk lately..mebi becoz minum bnyk sgt kopi (mslh lme ni..hehe)..but the worse part is i faced some problem in body movement..pergerakan xstabil..jalan asek langgar bende jek (pintu, meje)..kalo jalan tu, cm lalok..haha..tak tipu, tp its true!serious rite??
2. i need fresh room (ofis n house) both xde opening, i mean tingkap..i need sunshine so tht leh rse fresh..again, confine space problem (claustrophobia)..faced ths problem b4..seb baek my new house nnt blk i ade tingkap..sounds silly kan problem ni?
3. thinking too much..ths is my big problem..dh ramai ckp i mcm xleh la, mest nk pk dan pk dan pk..hadoyai..slalunye time free2, nk tdo, mule lah jadi bend last, terlena dalam pemikiran.....
sume mslh ni drag me into depression..have to admit it..xsangka i faced ths problem..and mse sembang2 td, my fren said sumthg yg really good for me lah..
1. control minum kopi tu..kurangkan kalo leh (bole ker?hehe)..but dont forget to exercise..
2. ths one ssh sket sbb sakit sape leh tahan kan?bnykkan berjalan, amek udara segar, jgn dok terperap jek dlm bilik either office or aku slalu wat sbb xleh dok dlm blk lme sgt..kne gak jalan2..
3. do not thinking too much..let it be..she ask me "can u solve ur prob by the time u r thinking?no kan?so just let it be..sumtimes, problem can b solved by the time.."..i think its true..and she suggest me to read some books or listen to music b4 sleep..our brain need rest..when we r thinking, its still working..meaning tht my brain do not hv enough rest..true!i tortured my brain lah..sory..hehe
i think i shud follow those suggestion lah..harapnye no depression anymore..if tak menjadi jugak, i think i shud go for pakar lah..
> depression oh depression!
> just realised tht sumtimes i need to talk to sumbody else bout my prob (sy perahsie orgnye)
Bergembira seketika.
Permulaan yg baru.
Semangat yg baru.
Hati yg baru.
Jiwa yg baru.
Perasaan yg baru.
Keazaman yg baru.
Keyakinan yg baru.
Kepastian yg baru.
Hala tuju yg baru.
Hidup yg baru.
> Semoge permulaan yg baru ini dpt memberikan kebahagian dan ketenangan pdku..Amin..
Semangat yg baru.
Hati yg baru.
Jiwa yg baru.
Perasaan yg baru.
Keazaman yg baru.
Keyakinan yg baru.
Kepastian yg baru.
Hala tuju yg baru.
Hidup yg baru.
> Semoge permulaan yg baru ini dpt memberikan kebahagian dan ketenangan pdku..Amin..
situasi yg aku hadapi skang ni sbnrnye aku penah hadapi sebelum ini..ive done to sum1 else..n ths is my turn!hmmm...kawanku yg membuatkan aku tersedar dgn sume ini..thnx fad..:)inilah yg dikatakan kehidupan..ape yg penah kte wat skang, jgn lupe akan dtg kte juge akan mengalaminye..moralnye, jgn wat itu sume kerja Tuhan, mmg dh tertulis, tersurat disebalik yg tersirat..never regret..ianye mematangkan aku ttg erti kehidupan yg sebenar..makin lama kite hidup didunia yg fana ini, makin bnyk dugaan yg bakal kite hadapi..ianye menguji ketabahan, kesabaran dan kecekalan..mungkin kehidupan aku ditakdirkan dgn onak dan duri, mungkin dimasa akan datang kehidupan ku lebih baik setelah segala kesakitan yg dialami..amin..
> smge aku lebih kuat :)
> smge aku lebih kuat :)
bila bnyk mslah dtg pd mse yg sama, otak seolah tepu utk berpikir..the best way is aku mengelak utk berpikir..but sooner or later, i have to solve those prob..
1. family - ade sesuatu timbul dlm keluarge not goin to tell in ths blog wht exactly the prob..but ape yg bermain dlm pikiranku, "perlukah aku setuju?", "how to accept?", "adakah aku akn jd anak yg xmemahami?", "aku konpius!!"..
2. personal - i have to accept it..i'd take a very high risk, then i shud well prepared b4 teruskan now, its the time yg aku perlu terima sumenyee..insyaAllah, ill b OK.
3. work - a lots of work..but just settle some still bnyk lg..nvm, this is work no money maa!hehehehe
hopefully i can settle those prob just hepy with my new dearie 'bf'...:)
1. family - ade sesuatu timbul dlm keluarge not goin to tell in ths blog wht exactly the prob..but ape yg bermain dlm pikiranku, "perlukah aku setuju?", "how to accept?", "adakah aku akn jd anak yg xmemahami?", "aku konpius!!"..
2. personal - i have to accept it..i'd take a very high risk, then i shud well prepared b4 teruskan now, its the time yg aku perlu terima sumenyee..insyaAllah, ill b OK.
3. work - a lots of work..but just settle some still bnyk lg..nvm, this is work no money maa!hehehehe
hopefully i can settle those prob just hepy with my new dearie 'bf'...:)
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Thank you.
Pagi td aku taip sms..ianye berbunyi begini.. “A bit stress ths moning”
Then my fren replied “nape?”
I said “work plus personal”
My fren still reply my sms eventho dia dlm meeting room..ade presentation by aku pon ckp “xpela, sory”
Then he replied “sory2, nnt dh abes meeting aku msg blk”
Kalo org len, agak2 ade tak nk layan aku sms cam gitu?kalo bf aku pon xkn kot..inilah yg dikatakan kawan yg ssh nk dicari..ssh senang bersame walau apepon..he is my truly fren lah..
Bnyk melayan karenah aku yg mcm2 ni..listen to me the most..dialah yg tgk aku menangis, dialah juga yg tgk aku ketawe..dialah yg jaga aku tatkala aku demam di singapura..dialah yg menjadi penasihat terhormat aku..dia jugak yg terpkse dgr mslh aku..
Walaupon aku marah dia, dia marah aku..aku kutuk dia, dia kutuk aku, aku xkesah sbb aku tau hati budinya..tak simpan dlm hati lnsg lah!..kteorg dh berkawan almost 6years (sepanjang di uitm)..blaja same2, cume keje jek xsame skang..bnyk gak mamat ni tlg aku lg2 nk siapkan thesis..mekaseh2..
Dulu rmai slh sngke igtkn kteorg ade affair..but lme2, org pon kteorg biarlah ape org nk kate, asalkan kteorg tau ape situasi sbnrnye..till now, our frenship maseh kekal..
Khas utk dia, terima kaseh atas segalanye..
>slalu jd bossy ngn die..dan dia akn kate “baek boss!”
Then my fren replied “nape?”
I said “work plus personal”
My fren still reply my sms eventho dia dlm meeting room..ade presentation by aku pon ckp “xpela, sory”
Then he replied “sory2, nnt dh abes meeting aku msg blk”
Kalo org len, agak2 ade tak nk layan aku sms cam gitu?kalo bf aku pon xkn kot..inilah yg dikatakan kawan yg ssh nk dicari..ssh senang bersame walau apepon..he is my truly fren lah..
Bnyk melayan karenah aku yg mcm2 ni..listen to me the most..dialah yg tgk aku menangis, dialah juga yg tgk aku ketawe..dialah yg jaga aku tatkala aku demam di singapura..dialah yg menjadi penasihat terhormat aku..dia jugak yg terpkse dgr mslh aku..
Walaupon aku marah dia, dia marah aku..aku kutuk dia, dia kutuk aku, aku xkesah sbb aku tau hati budinya..tak simpan dlm hati lnsg lah!..kteorg dh berkawan almost 6years (sepanjang di uitm)..blaja same2, cume keje jek xsame skang..bnyk gak mamat ni tlg aku lg2 nk siapkan thesis..mekaseh2..
Dulu rmai slh sngke igtkn kteorg ade affair..but lme2, org pon kteorg biarlah ape org nk kate, asalkan kteorg tau ape situasi sbnrnye..till now, our frenship maseh kekal..
Khas utk dia, terima kaseh atas segalanye..
>slalu jd bossy ngn die..dan dia akn kate “baek boss!”
27.4.09 back!
welcome back my favourite tv series!!hehe..its 2nd season..mish damn much..eza, zack imran..wahahaha..
so anyone yg follow ths series, dont forget to watch it every sunday, 8tv, 1030pm..
> sape yg tertinggal tgk 1st & 2nd epi, tgk la kt catch up tv @
so anyone yg follow ths series, dont forget to watch it every sunday, 8tv, 1030pm..
> sape yg tertinggal tgk 1st & 2nd epi, tgk la kt catch up tv @
Back frm holiday.
Balik dr kg semalam..mule2 igt nk blk pg td then terus g keje, tp sbbkn aku demam, aku terus jela gerak smlm..takut bgn pg xlarat nk drive back to shah smlm redah jela..redah2 pon syok gak, layan prsn sndri smpai xsedar meter kete cecah 140km/hr..hahaha...panas telinge kejap dgr abahku membebel sbb xsmpai sejam aku dh smpai klang dr seremban..adehh!wat perangai dahh..hehe
Las entry aku ade ckp nk pindah masuk mah baru kan..unfortunately, xjd masuk las week..sbbnye owner xsiap renovate lagi..die ngh psg tile dlm blk minor works lah..saba2..ari khamis ni lah pindah..means kami satu umah bercuti!!yeyyyy...(fyi, ni umh staff - company provide) leh la cuti..soknye lak labour day, cuti lagi!!(bday adek, hepy bday!!)
Oh ye..sblm terlupe..cite psal sahabatku yg selamat berkawen ngn pilihan hatinye..majlisnye meriah..die pilih kaler dark choc..cantek! xrmai kwn2 yg dtg..sbbnye mebi musim final exam (dorg further study pjj klas weekend)..pastu mungkin xdpt cuti..Maybe!i dunno..aku len, sbb aku ni semangat sket..kalo ade mjlis, mmg aku akan dtg selagi dijemput..kwn2 kan..jauh mane akan ku pegi jua..insyaAllah..ceyy..hehe
> just realised yg bdn aku pnas lagi..haishh..
Las entry aku ade ckp nk pindah masuk mah baru kan..unfortunately, xjd masuk las week..sbbnye owner xsiap renovate lagi..die ngh psg tile dlm blk minor works lah..saba2..ari khamis ni lah pindah..means kami satu umah bercuti!!yeyyyy...(fyi, ni umh staff - company provide) leh la cuti..soknye lak labour day, cuti lagi!!(bday adek, hepy bday!!)
Oh ye..sblm terlupe..cite psal sahabatku yg selamat berkawen ngn pilihan hatinye..majlisnye meriah..die pilih kaler dark choc..cantek! xrmai kwn2 yg dtg..sbbnye mebi musim final exam (dorg further study pjj klas weekend)..pastu mungkin xdpt cuti..Maybe!i dunno..aku len, sbb aku ni semangat sket..kalo ade mjlis, mmg aku akan dtg selagi dijemput..kwn2 kan..jauh mane akan ku pegi jua..insyaAllah..ceyy..hehe
> just realised yg bdn aku pnas lagi..haishh..
Balik Kg!
Tujuan balik kg ni ade dua sebenarnye..satu ada majlis cukur jambul anak sedare aku suraya..the nex day (sunday), sahabatku lak kawen...wawawa..cikgu fizik ni..sorg sorg kawen..bulan 6 ni aku ade 3 majlis menanti kedatangan ku..hehehe..
Balik ahad ni, aku mula berpindah ke rumah baru! dr klang ke shah alam..dekat sket ngn ofis kt ttdi jaya..brg2 td dh kemas time lunch..penat gile!xpe, sok ade org tlg angkat site dtg tlg angktkan..heavennyee hidup aku..hehe
> mood arini biase2 aje..
> my konvo 30th May (saje nk bgtau awal..hehe)
> bulan 6 insyaAllah ke Pantai Timur (sajee gak!)
Balik ahad ni, aku mula berpindah ke rumah baru! dr klang ke shah alam..dekat sket ngn ofis kt ttdi jaya..brg2 td dh kemas time lunch..penat gile!xpe, sok ade org tlg angkat site dtg tlg angktkan..heavennyee hidup aku..hehe
> mood arini biase2 aje..
> my konvo 30th May (saje nk bgtau awal..hehe)
> bulan 6 insyaAllah ke Pantai Timur (sajee gak!)
Mood arini starting with blur..
Status kesihatan maseh xbape elok..headache xilang2 lg (xmkn ubat pon)..smlm satu ari pening..migrain kah aku?
Wpn begitu, aku perlu pegi JB (outstation!)..sob sob.
Smlm had a fight with sumbody..seb baek end up with solution and peace..i guess!
Minggu ni nk balik ank2 sedare yg ramai tu..mish their kisses and hugs!
> Moge jiwa aku tidak kacau lg.
Status kesihatan maseh xbape elok..headache xilang2 lg (xmkn ubat pon)..smlm satu ari pening..migrain kah aku?
Wpn begitu, aku perlu pegi JB (outstation!)..sob sob.
Smlm had a fight with sumbody..seb baek end up with solution and peace..i guess!
Minggu ni nk balik ank2 sedare yg ramai tu..mish their kisses and hugs!
> Moge jiwa aku tidak kacau lg.
Keje Gile.
Las weekend aku dh wat keje gile..sgt gile..gile sgt2..naek genting till 430am!
Pastu pulang ke shah alam sorg2..lg satu keje gile!
Sudahnye smlm pengsan satu ari..
Arini pening xterkate..
> Keje gile or cinta gile?
Pastu pulang ke shah alam sorg2..lg satu keje gile!
Sudahnye smlm pengsan satu ari..
Arini pening xterkate..
> Keje gile or cinta gile?
Never b late.
my boss said "b punctual, 830 to 5..if u hv ths dicipline, wherever u go, u'll success" during meeting early in ths morning..
so far, aku xpenah masuk office lambat unless ade hal penting..becoz aku sendiri xsuke LAMBAT.!hate it actually..aku xsuke menunggu dan ditunggu..ill make sure that ill b there on time..
dan aku juga setuju dgn kate2 boss aku tu..kalo aku tergerak lambat g keje (but smpai sharp on time k), bile masuk keje mesti cm kelam kabut..mknenye, kalo dtg awal sket, leh bwk bertenang, berpk secara tenang, no rush..
jd pd sesape yg slalu lambat tu, bwk2 lah berubah..bad reputation tu..huhu
>im just giving an opinion
so far, aku xpenah masuk office lambat unless ade hal penting..becoz aku sendiri xsuke LAMBAT.!hate it actually..aku xsuke menunggu dan ditunggu..ill make sure that ill b there on time..
dan aku juga setuju dgn kate2 boss aku tu..kalo aku tergerak lambat g keje (but smpai sharp on time k), bile masuk keje mesti cm kelam kabut..mknenye, kalo dtg awal sket, leh bwk bertenang, berpk secara tenang, no rush..
jd pd sesape yg slalu lambat tu, bwk2 lah berubah..bad reputation tu..huhu
>im just giving an opinion
Serabut cam sabut.
i had a small conversation with my oficemate during lunch..women's a lots of input..cite sket2 my problem lately..
1. headache agak teruk lately..mebi becoz minum bnyk sgt kopi (mslh lme ni..hehe)..but the worse part is i faced some problem in body movement..pergerakan xstabil..jalan asek langgar bende jek (pintu, meje)..kalo jalan tu, cm lalok..haha..tak tipu, tp its true!serious rite??
2. i need fresh room (ofis n house) both xde opening, i mean tingkap..i need sunshine so tht leh rse fresh..again, confine space problem (claustrophobia)..faced ths problem b4..seb baek my new house nnt blk i ade tingkap..sounds silly kan problem ni?
3. thinking too much..ths is my big problem..dh ramai ckp i mcm xleh la, mest nk pk dan pk dan pk..hadoyai..slalunye time free2, nk tdo, mule lah jadi bend last, terlena dalam pemikiran.....
sume mslh ni drag me into depression..have to admit it..xsangka i faced ths problem..and mse sembang2 td, my fren said sumthg yg really good for me lah..
1. control minum kopi tu..kurangkan kalo leh (bole ker?hehe)..but dont forget to exercise..
2. ths one ssh sket sbb sakit sape leh tahan kan?bnykkan berjalan, amek udara segar, jgn dok terperap jek dlm bilik either office or aku slalu wat sbb xleh dok dlm blk lme sgt..kne gak jalan2..
3. do not thinking too much..let it be..she ask me "can u solve ur prob by the time u r thinking?no kan?so just let it be..sumtimes, problem can b solved by the time.."..i think its true..and she suggest me to read some books or listen to music b4 sleep..our brain need rest..when we r thinking, its still working..meaning tht my brain do not hv enough rest..true!i tortured my brain lah..sory..hehe
i think i shud follow those suggestion lah..harapnye no depression anymore..if tak menjadi jugak, i think i shud go for pakar lah..
> depression oh depression!
> just realised tht sumtimes i need to talk to sumbody else bout my prob (sy perahsie orgnye)
1. headache agak teruk lately..mebi becoz minum bnyk sgt kopi (mslh lme ni..hehe)..but the worse part is i faced some problem in body movement..pergerakan xstabil..jalan asek langgar bende jek (pintu, meje)..kalo jalan tu, cm lalok..haha..tak tipu, tp its true!serious rite??
2. i need fresh room (ofis n house) both xde opening, i mean tingkap..i need sunshine so tht leh rse fresh..again, confine space problem (claustrophobia)..faced ths problem b4..seb baek my new house nnt blk i ade tingkap..sounds silly kan problem ni?
3. thinking too much..ths is my big problem..dh ramai ckp i mcm xleh la, mest nk pk dan pk dan pk..hadoyai..slalunye time free2, nk tdo, mule lah jadi bend last, terlena dalam pemikiran.....
sume mslh ni drag me into depression..have to admit it..xsangka i faced ths problem..and mse sembang2 td, my fren said sumthg yg really good for me lah..
1. control minum kopi tu..kurangkan kalo leh (bole ker?hehe)..but dont forget to exercise..
2. ths one ssh sket sbb sakit sape leh tahan kan?bnykkan berjalan, amek udara segar, jgn dok terperap jek dlm bilik either office or aku slalu wat sbb xleh dok dlm blk lme sgt..kne gak jalan2..
3. do not thinking too much..let it be..she ask me "can u solve ur prob by the time u r thinking?no kan?so just let it be..sumtimes, problem can b solved by the time.."..i think its true..and she suggest me to read some books or listen to music b4 sleep..our brain need rest..when we r thinking, its still working..meaning tht my brain do not hv enough rest..true!i tortured my brain lah..sory..hehe
i think i shud follow those suggestion lah..harapnye no depression anymore..if tak menjadi jugak, i think i shud go for pakar lah..
> depression oh depression!
> just realised tht sumtimes i need to talk to sumbody else bout my prob (sy perahsie orgnye)
Bergembira seketika.
lokasi : restoren rasa syg, sek7 & borneo, sunway

> wpn kaki injured, tp hati perlu juge digembirakan..mekaseh kekawan :)

> wpn kaki injured, tp hati perlu juge digembirakan..mekaseh kekawan :)
Permulaan yg baru.
Semangat yg baru.
Hati yg baru.
Jiwa yg baru.
Perasaan yg baru.
Keazaman yg baru.
Keyakinan yg baru.
Kepastian yg baru.
Hala tuju yg baru.
Hidup yg baru.
> Semoge permulaan yg baru ini dpt memberikan kebahagian dan ketenangan pdku..Amin..
Semangat yg baru.
Hati yg baru.
Jiwa yg baru.
Perasaan yg baru.
Keazaman yg baru.
Keyakinan yg baru.
Kepastian yg baru.
Hala tuju yg baru.
Hidup yg baru.
> Semoge permulaan yg baru ini dpt memberikan kebahagian dan ketenangan pdku..Amin..
situasi yg aku hadapi skang ni sbnrnye aku penah hadapi sebelum ini..ive done to sum1 else..n ths is my turn!hmmm...kawanku yg membuatkan aku tersedar dgn sume ini..thnx fad..:)inilah yg dikatakan kehidupan..ape yg penah kte wat skang, jgn lupe akan dtg kte juge akan mengalaminye..moralnye, jgn wat itu sume kerja Tuhan, mmg dh tertulis, tersurat disebalik yg tersirat..never regret..ianye mematangkan aku ttg erti kehidupan yg sebenar..makin lama kite hidup didunia yg fana ini, makin bnyk dugaan yg bakal kite hadapi..ianye menguji ketabahan, kesabaran dan kecekalan..mungkin kehidupan aku ditakdirkan dgn onak dan duri, mungkin dimasa akan datang kehidupan ku lebih baik setelah segala kesakitan yg dialami..amin..
> smge aku lebih kuat :)
> smge aku lebih kuat :)
bila bnyk mslah dtg pd mse yg sama, otak seolah tepu utk berpikir..the best way is aku mengelak utk berpikir..but sooner or later, i have to solve those prob..
1. family - ade sesuatu timbul dlm keluarge not goin to tell in ths blog wht exactly the prob..but ape yg bermain dlm pikiranku, "perlukah aku setuju?", "how to accept?", "adakah aku akn jd anak yg xmemahami?", "aku konpius!!"..
2. personal - i have to accept it..i'd take a very high risk, then i shud well prepared b4 teruskan now, its the time yg aku perlu terima sumenyee..insyaAllah, ill b OK.
3. work - a lots of work..but just settle some still bnyk lg..nvm, this is work no money maa!hehehehe
hopefully i can settle those prob just hepy with my new dearie 'bf'...:)
1. family - ade sesuatu timbul dlm keluarge not goin to tell in ths blog wht exactly the prob..but ape yg bermain dlm pikiranku, "perlukah aku setuju?", "how to accept?", "adakah aku akn jd anak yg xmemahami?", "aku konpius!!"..
2. personal - i have to accept it..i'd take a very high risk, then i shud well prepared b4 teruskan now, its the time yg aku perlu terima sumenyee..insyaAllah, ill b OK.
3. work - a lots of work..but just settle some still bnyk lg..nvm, this is work no money maa!hehehehe
hopefully i can settle those prob just hepy with my new dearie 'bf'...:)
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