kerana dia, aku suka.
kerana dia, aku benci.
kerana dia, aku gembira.
kerana dia, aku sedih.
kerana dia, aku keliru.
kerana dia, aku kuat.
kerana dia, aku kecewa.
kerana dia, aku bahagia.
kerana dia, aku ketawa.
kerana dia, aku risau.
kerana dia, aku kalah.
kerana dia, semuanya kerana dia.
kenapa kerana dia??hmmm..
~~when my heart say something, when i can feel something, and the chapter will begin~~~
what - replacement of tender negotiation, thru web system to get the best price.
why - to provide transperancy.
where - wherever u r, the most important is can access the internet.
soklan sy dsini, sejauh mne ketelusan dlm system ini??well never know if the client itself wat dummy contractor just to bid the lower price..senang ckp nk knekan contractor yg msuk bid then client leh jimat bnyk (untung)..
one more thing, its not the best way lah for contractor..once client set the open price, all the contractor will bid to the lowest it rational??at the end, can the contractor complete the project with flying colors?think bout that..yes, its true, contractor shud enter the affordable price..but, well never know what happen the end, contractor rugi, client untung..
but good side of it, kite leh tau the status of the tender right the bid is close..but, jujurnya, e-bidding system quite interesting lah..i like it personally coz i like the technology application..thru web, using internet..but utk my company (contractor), we dont like the practise..
nvm, its our first experience using ths system..we'll bid the price on 1st April 2009, not disturb me during that time for 1hr (min) or mebi longer..
why - to provide transperancy.
where - wherever u r, the most important is can access the internet.
soklan sy dsini, sejauh mne ketelusan dlm system ini??well never know if the client itself wat dummy contractor just to bid the lower price..senang ckp nk knekan contractor yg msuk bid then client leh jimat bnyk (untung)..
one more thing, its not the best way lah for contractor..once client set the open price, all the contractor will bid to the lowest it rational??at the end, can the contractor complete the project with flying colors?think bout that..yes, its true, contractor shud enter the affordable price..but, well never know what happen the end, contractor rugi, client untung..
but good side of it, kite leh tau the status of the tender right the bid is close..but, jujurnya, e-bidding system quite interesting lah..i like it personally coz i like the technology application..thru web, using internet..but utk my company (contractor), we dont like the practise..
nvm, its our first experience using ths system..we'll bid the price on 1st April 2009, not disturb me during that time for 1hr (min) or mebi longer..
penuh harapan.
dlm mse seminggu ni, aku berhadapan dgn pelbagai cabaran..bukan sng nk dpt apa yg kite nak..and, ble dh dpt wpn xseperti yg aku rancang, aku patut bersyukur..yes, bersyukur lah kamu wahai mariana!
dan krn aku perlu bersyukur, maka aku perlu terima ape saje yg ku ada n dapat..hargainya..aku dh ckp bertuah dlm hidup ini, dan mungkin ini satu peringatan pdku supaya sentiase bersyukur..
jadi, aku hanya berharap apa yg ku tunggu ni, menjadi kenyataan..insyaAllah..doakan lah saya..
> akan ku tunggu!
dan krn aku perlu bersyukur, maka aku perlu terima ape saje yg ku ada n dapat..hargainya..aku dh ckp bertuah dlm hidup ini, dan mungkin ini satu peringatan pdku supaya sentiase bersyukur..
jadi, aku hanya berharap apa yg ku tunggu ni, menjadi kenyataan..insyaAllah..doakan lah saya..
> akan ku tunggu!
tentang cinta.
early in the morning, aku godek2 frenster ku yg dh lme dibiarkan tersadai begitu saje..upload la sket gmb bru..then trse nk tgk page kwn2..terlihatlah gmb kwnku diah dimjlis bertandang di rmh husband die..its sooooo nice, evrythg looks perfecto!kesah cinta sahabatku ini agak senang, kerna husband die adelah yg cinta pertamanya..
tp tidak bg aku..honestly, kesah cintaku penuh onak dan duri..sukar..but im still trying eventho till one stage, i wanna give up..cinta xboleh dipisahkan dr nt desperate, but its just my life..rse ingin disayangi dan menyanyangi..cinta yg melimpah ruah ni perlu diberikan pd seseorg..
however, its not easy to find my soulmate..still searching till now..somehow, we find the perfect one, but we feel that hes not for us..knp org laen jugak yg dikejar sdgkn ade yg menanti??itulah kehidupan..mencari dan menanti yg xpasti..setia menanti wpn diri tak dihargai.....
im always motivate myself that theres must be sum1 who much more better than him..insyaAllah..maybe im too choosy, too fussy..the word 'better' here means that mayb ill find sum1 who will love me more than i love him..always make me feel comfortable, appreciate, n even i dont need anythg else coz i have him!hope ill find ths guy...aminn...
kadang kala rse sgt bodoh diri ini..kadang kala mahu cinta ini mati..sumenye kerna cinta..kerna cinta, aku jd sakit jiwa..jujur kukatakan..but good side of it, i can breath becoz of life being so colorful..not only black n white..eventho he doesnt appreciate me, but at least my life have some other color..i can feel happy, sad, mad, fun, laugh, love, miss and evrythg just bcoz of him..thanks for that..
if we turning back, we can see that what uve gone thru rite now, seem u had done for sum1 else..what u give, u get back..sumtime we r at top, but sumtime we r at bottom..its a circle..a rotation of life..i believe that thg..we cant predict or even hold that..its HIS job..wht we can do is just pray for our happiness..
cinta kalau dibicarakan, takkan pernah habis..cinta ada dimana2..terpulang pd kite memilihnya, menghargainya, menikmatinya..setiap org ade jodoh msg2, percaye pada itu, tp jika sudah jmp jodoh itu, hargailah ia kerna sekali kite melepaskannya, mungkin die xkn kembali kpd kite..once again, hargailah apa yg kite ada sebelum terlambat.....
> cinta itu indah jika kita tau menghargainya
tp tidak bg aku..honestly, kesah cintaku penuh onak dan duri..sukar..but im still trying eventho till one stage, i wanna give up..cinta xboleh dipisahkan dr nt desperate, but its just my life..rse ingin disayangi dan menyanyangi..cinta yg melimpah ruah ni perlu diberikan pd seseorg..
however, its not easy to find my soulmate..still searching till now..somehow, we find the perfect one, but we feel that hes not for us..knp org laen jugak yg dikejar sdgkn ade yg menanti??itulah kehidupan..mencari dan menanti yg xpasti..setia menanti wpn diri tak dihargai.....
im always motivate myself that theres must be sum1 who much more better than him..insyaAllah..maybe im too choosy, too fussy..the word 'better' here means that mayb ill find sum1 who will love me more than i love him..always make me feel comfortable, appreciate, n even i dont need anythg else coz i have him!hope ill find ths guy...aminn...
kadang kala rse sgt bodoh diri ini..kadang kala mahu cinta ini mati..sumenye kerna cinta..kerna cinta, aku jd sakit jiwa..jujur kukatakan..but good side of it, i can breath becoz of life being so colorful..not only black n white..eventho he doesnt appreciate me, but at least my life have some other color..i can feel happy, sad, mad, fun, laugh, love, miss and evrythg just bcoz of him..thanks for that..
if we turning back, we can see that what uve gone thru rite now, seem u had done for sum1 else..what u give, u get back..sumtime we r at top, but sumtime we r at bottom..its a circle..a rotation of life..i believe that thg..we cant predict or even hold that..its HIS job..wht we can do is just pray for our happiness..
cinta kalau dibicarakan, takkan pernah habis..cinta ada dimana2..terpulang pd kite memilihnya, menghargainya, menikmatinya..setiap org ade jodoh msg2, percaye pada itu, tp jika sudah jmp jodoh itu, hargailah ia kerna sekali kite melepaskannya, mungkin die xkn kembali kpd kite..once again, hargailah apa yg kite ada sebelum terlambat.....
> cinta itu indah jika kita tau menghargainya
LOVE. (re-post)
Yesterday in my life.
7.30pm - Call my abah. As usual, everyday must call him since abah dok sorg jek. Tak dpt call. Then call abang sbb abah kate abg nk blk tp abg still kt puchong.
9.00pm - Maseh rilek. Try call lagik. Couple of time but failed.
10.00pm - Cube call lagi. Maseh tak dpt. Hmm. Hati dh stat risau. Then terus sms abang. Then he said die xjd blk, blk ari sabtu. Enough. Tak mau ckp bnyk and tak mau risaukan sesape dgn kerisauan aku ni.
11.00pm - Maseh tak dapat call. Dlm otak dh mcm2 pk. Condition abah dh le xbape sehat, every 3months jmp pakar lpas pnh masuk icu 2thn lpas, suspect sakit jantung. Of cos kerisauan makin menjadi2.
12.00am - Knp xdpt lagi???Dah nanges2 ni. Aku tau aku terlalu berpk. Jadi aku senyap lagi xbgtau kakak2ku yg laen.
1.00am - Finally br dpt call. Alhamdulillah, abah ok jek. Abah g mah akak, xbawa charger. Then blk umah lpe nk On blk. Lege gile. Br lah leh nk tdo.
> I only have my abah.
> Crying again yesterday.
9.00pm - Maseh rilek. Try call lagik. Couple of time but failed.
10.00pm - Cube call lagi. Maseh tak dpt. Hmm. Hati dh stat risau. Then terus sms abang. Then he said die xjd blk, blk ari sabtu. Enough. Tak mau ckp bnyk and tak mau risaukan sesape dgn kerisauan aku ni.
11.00pm - Maseh tak dapat call. Dlm otak dh mcm2 pk. Condition abah dh le xbape sehat, every 3months jmp pakar lpas pnh masuk icu 2thn lpas, suspect sakit jantung. Of cos kerisauan makin menjadi2.
12.00am - Knp xdpt lagi???Dah nanges2 ni. Aku tau aku terlalu berpk. Jadi aku senyap lagi xbgtau kakak2ku yg laen.
1.00am - Finally br dpt call. Alhamdulillah, abah ok jek. Abah g mah akak, xbawa charger. Then blk umah lpe nk On blk. Lege gile. Br lah leh nk tdo.
> I only have my abah.
> Crying again yesterday.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang..
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita dalam keadaan teruji.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkeliru.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terluka.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkilan.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan tahap kesabaran kita menipis.
Dan selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan ianya hadir bila memerlukan dan pergi tanpa meninggalkan pesan...Dan kita terpaksa melepaskan orang yang kita
sayang..kerana kita sayangkannya..kerana kita terlalu amat menyayanginya..
Dan kita pinta perpisahan kerana kita tak mampu..untuk membenci dirinya..
kerana dia sentiasa berada dalam hati kita..walaupun dia yang paling banyak mencalarkannya...
> ku pasti suatu hari nanti cinta ini akan mati
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkeliru.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terluka.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkilan.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan tahap kesabaran kita menipis.
Dan selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan ianya hadir bila memerlukan dan pergi tanpa meninggalkan pesan...Dan kita terpaksa melepaskan orang yang kita
sayang..kerana kita sayangkannya..kerana kita terlalu amat menyayanginya..
Dan kita pinta perpisahan kerana kita tak mampu..untuk membenci dirinya..
kerana dia sentiasa berada dalam hati kita..walaupun dia yang paling banyak mencalarkannya...
> ku pasti suatu hari nanti cinta ini akan mati
...dan gugur jua air mata ini
i still at my office waiting for my bro..going back to my lovely hometown segamat :)
im speechless actually, notg to write..but my brain give an instruction to my hand to do so..
going back to segamat bcoz ade kenduri arwah my mom..a year already..:(..i miss my mom..really :(..
dulu, bile blk kg, mest too excited nk rse msakan mak..ape yg aku nk, mak mest watkan..skang ni, aku lak yg kne wat sume..burden on me right now since both my elder sis dh berkawen..its my responsibility utk jage abah n adek yg sorg..
im just thinking, how sad i am when im getting married..sape nk tlg uruskn sume??my mom xmspt pon nk tgk anknye yg sorg ni..sape nk serahkan aku pd mak mertuaku??kalo dh ade anak nnt, sape nk jage aku dlm pantang??i want my mom.!!
its so sad, kehilangan seorg mak..wht i regret the most is aku xsmpt melihatnye buat kali terakhir......:(( i can only crying, crying and crying.....
kehilangan my beloved mom menjadi aku seorg yg lebih kuat kerna aku xboleh tunjuk yg aku lemah dan sedih pd abah yg dh tentunya terlalu sedih and especially my lil sis..Tuhan je yg tau betapa aku perlukan kekuatan utk memujuk adek aku yg sorg itu..everyday kne call tny keadaan die kt Arau (jauh dr family)..tu pon slpas berjaya pujuk utk teroskn blaja.....
nyata aku lebih matang menghadapi segalanya..malah menjadikn aku lebih berhati keras, jiwa aku seperti batu...skang bagi aku, tiada masalah yg boleh menandingi masalah aku ketika kehilangan arwah mak tersayang...jadi bile ade mslah percintaan atau pekerjaan, ianya tidak terlalu mengganggu jiwaku..insyaAllah aku leh hadapinya dengan tenang....
> sayangi lah ibu anda sebelum kehilangan dia kerna dia adalah segalanya dlm hdp kita..
> hadapi msalah dgn tenang, berpk secare waras, kuatkan diri itu...
> sekadar berkongsi kisah hidupku..
im speechless actually, notg to write..but my brain give an instruction to my hand to do so..
going back to segamat bcoz ade kenduri arwah my mom..a year already..:(..i miss my mom..really :(..
dulu, bile blk kg, mest too excited nk rse msakan mak..ape yg aku nk, mak mest watkan..skang ni, aku lak yg kne wat sume..burden on me right now since both my elder sis dh berkawen..its my responsibility utk jage abah n adek yg sorg..
im just thinking, how sad i am when im getting married..sape nk tlg uruskn sume??my mom xmspt pon nk tgk anknye yg sorg ni..sape nk serahkan aku pd mak mertuaku??kalo dh ade anak nnt, sape nk jage aku dlm pantang??i want my mom.!!
its so sad, kehilangan seorg mak..wht i regret the most is aku xsmpt melihatnye buat kali terakhir......:(( i can only crying, crying and crying.....
kehilangan my beloved mom menjadi aku seorg yg lebih kuat kerna aku xboleh tunjuk yg aku lemah dan sedih pd abah yg dh tentunya terlalu sedih and especially my lil sis..Tuhan je yg tau betapa aku perlukan kekuatan utk memujuk adek aku yg sorg itu..everyday kne call tny keadaan die kt Arau (jauh dr family)..tu pon slpas berjaya pujuk utk teroskn blaja.....
nyata aku lebih matang menghadapi segalanya..malah menjadikn aku lebih berhati keras, jiwa aku seperti batu...skang bagi aku, tiada masalah yg boleh menandingi masalah aku ketika kehilangan arwah mak tersayang...jadi bile ade mslah percintaan atau pekerjaan, ianya tidak terlalu mengganggu jiwaku..insyaAllah aku leh hadapinya dengan tenang....
> sayangi lah ibu anda sebelum kehilangan dia kerna dia adalah segalanya dlm hdp kita..
> hadapi msalah dgn tenang, berpk secare waras, kuatkan diri itu...
> sekadar berkongsi kisah hidupku..
personality test.
the result from personality test since xmau ltak dlm facebook, so i letak kt sni..hehe
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Lagu Hatiku..
Kenapa aku perlu ‘Thinking of You’??..
Kerna bagiku kau ‘Bukan Superstar’..
Mungkin aku sudah ‘Fall For You’, maka hari-hariku suram ‘Tanpa’mu..
‘Entah’ mengapa kadangkala aku seperti mahu ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ meninggalkanmu..
Kerna aku tahu ku ‘Tak Bisa Memilki’mu..
Hmm..’I Hate This Part’ my dear..
Benar kata orang, cinta ini ‘Cinta Gila’..
Aku mau ‘Biar Mati Cinta Ini’..
Aku pasti ‘Akan Tiba’ waktu itu..
Tapi ‘Dan Sebenarnya’ aku mahu katakan ‘Terima Kasih Cinta’ untuk yang sedikit itu..
Aku harapkan ‘Love Story’ ku akan berakhir di ‘Surga Cinta’..
‘Especially For You’, just ‘Live Your Life’…..:)
> best gak wat bend ni :)
Kerna bagiku kau ‘Bukan Superstar’..
Mungkin aku sudah ‘Fall For You’, maka hari-hariku suram ‘Tanpa’mu..
‘Entah’ mengapa kadangkala aku seperti mahu ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ meninggalkanmu..
Kerna aku tahu ku ‘Tak Bisa Memilki’mu..
Hmm..’I Hate This Part’ my dear..
Benar kata orang, cinta ini ‘Cinta Gila’..
Aku mau ‘Biar Mati Cinta Ini’..
Aku pasti ‘Akan Tiba’ waktu itu..
Tapi ‘Dan Sebenarnya’ aku mahu katakan ‘Terima Kasih Cinta’ untuk yang sedikit itu..
Aku harapkan ‘Love Story’ ku akan berakhir di ‘Surga Cinta’..
‘Especially For You’, just ‘Live Your Life’…..:)
> best gak wat bend ni :)
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kerana dia
kerana dia, aku suka.
kerana dia, aku benci.
kerana dia, aku gembira.
kerana dia, aku sedih.
kerana dia, aku keliru.
kerana dia, aku kuat.
kerana dia, aku kecewa.
kerana dia, aku bahagia.
kerana dia, aku ketawa.
kerana dia, aku risau.
kerana dia, aku kalah.
kerana dia, semuanya kerana dia.
kenapa kerana dia??hmmm..
kerana dia, aku benci.
kerana dia, aku gembira.
kerana dia, aku sedih.
kerana dia, aku keliru.
kerana dia, aku kuat.
kerana dia, aku kecewa.
kerana dia, aku bahagia.
kerana dia, aku ketawa.
kerana dia, aku risau.
kerana dia, aku kalah.
kerana dia, semuanya kerana dia.
kenapa kerana dia??hmmm..
- dissapointed
- relief
- happy
- excited
its mixed..and its balance..hurmmmm...sob sob..
- relief
- happy
- excited
its mixed..and its balance..hurmmmm...sob sob..
what - replacement of tender negotiation, thru web system to get the best price.
why - to provide transperancy.
where - wherever u r, the most important is can access the internet.
soklan sy dsini, sejauh mne ketelusan dlm system ini??well never know if the client itself wat dummy contractor just to bid the lower price..senang ckp nk knekan contractor yg msuk bid then client leh jimat bnyk (untung)..
one more thing, its not the best way lah for contractor..once client set the open price, all the contractor will bid to the lowest it rational??at the end, can the contractor complete the project with flying colors?think bout that..yes, its true, contractor shud enter the affordable price..but, well never know what happen the end, contractor rugi, client untung..
but good side of it, kite leh tau the status of the tender right the bid is close..but, jujurnya, e-bidding system quite interesting lah..i like it personally coz i like the technology application..thru web, using internet..but utk my company (contractor), we dont like the practise..
nvm, its our first experience using ths system..we'll bid the price on 1st April 2009, not disturb me during that time for 1hr (min) or mebi longer..
why - to provide transperancy.
where - wherever u r, the most important is can access the internet.
soklan sy dsini, sejauh mne ketelusan dlm system ini??well never know if the client itself wat dummy contractor just to bid the lower price..senang ckp nk knekan contractor yg msuk bid then client leh jimat bnyk (untung)..
one more thing, its not the best way lah for contractor..once client set the open price, all the contractor will bid to the lowest it rational??at the end, can the contractor complete the project with flying colors?think bout that..yes, its true, contractor shud enter the affordable price..but, well never know what happen the end, contractor rugi, client untung..
but good side of it, kite leh tau the status of the tender right the bid is close..but, jujurnya, e-bidding system quite interesting lah..i like it personally coz i like the technology application..thru web, using internet..but utk my company (contractor), we dont like the practise..
nvm, its our first experience using ths system..we'll bid the price on 1st April 2009, not disturb me during that time for 1hr (min) or mebi longer..
penuh harapan.
dlm mse seminggu ni, aku berhadapan dgn pelbagai cabaran..bukan sng nk dpt apa yg kite nak..and, ble dh dpt wpn xseperti yg aku rancang, aku patut bersyukur..yes, bersyukur lah kamu wahai mariana!
dan krn aku perlu bersyukur, maka aku perlu terima ape saje yg ku ada n dapat..hargainya..aku dh ckp bertuah dlm hidup ini, dan mungkin ini satu peringatan pdku supaya sentiase bersyukur..
jadi, aku hanya berharap apa yg ku tunggu ni, menjadi kenyataan..insyaAllah..doakan lah saya..
> akan ku tunggu!
dan krn aku perlu bersyukur, maka aku perlu terima ape saje yg ku ada n dapat..hargainya..aku dh ckp bertuah dlm hidup ini, dan mungkin ini satu peringatan pdku supaya sentiase bersyukur..
jadi, aku hanya berharap apa yg ku tunggu ni, menjadi kenyataan..insyaAllah..doakan lah saya..
> akan ku tunggu!
tentang cinta.
early in the morning, aku godek2 frenster ku yg dh lme dibiarkan tersadai begitu saje..upload la sket gmb bru..then trse nk tgk page kwn2..terlihatlah gmb kwnku diah dimjlis bertandang di rmh husband die..its sooooo nice, evrythg looks perfecto!kesah cinta sahabatku ini agak senang, kerna husband die adelah yg cinta pertamanya..
tp tidak bg aku..honestly, kesah cintaku penuh onak dan duri..sukar..but im still trying eventho till one stage, i wanna give up..cinta xboleh dipisahkan dr nt desperate, but its just my life..rse ingin disayangi dan menyanyangi..cinta yg melimpah ruah ni perlu diberikan pd seseorg..
however, its not easy to find my soulmate..still searching till now..somehow, we find the perfect one, but we feel that hes not for us..knp org laen jugak yg dikejar sdgkn ade yg menanti??itulah kehidupan..mencari dan menanti yg xpasti..setia menanti wpn diri tak dihargai.....
im always motivate myself that theres must be sum1 who much more better than him..insyaAllah..maybe im too choosy, too fussy..the word 'better' here means that mayb ill find sum1 who will love me more than i love him..always make me feel comfortable, appreciate, n even i dont need anythg else coz i have him!hope ill find ths guy...aminn...
kadang kala rse sgt bodoh diri ini..kadang kala mahu cinta ini mati..sumenye kerna cinta..kerna cinta, aku jd sakit jiwa..jujur kukatakan..but good side of it, i can breath becoz of life being so colorful..not only black n white..eventho he doesnt appreciate me, but at least my life have some other color..i can feel happy, sad, mad, fun, laugh, love, miss and evrythg just bcoz of him..thanks for that..
if we turning back, we can see that what uve gone thru rite now, seem u had done for sum1 else..what u give, u get back..sumtime we r at top, but sumtime we r at bottom..its a circle..a rotation of life..i believe that thg..we cant predict or even hold that..its HIS job..wht we can do is just pray for our happiness..
cinta kalau dibicarakan, takkan pernah habis..cinta ada dimana2..terpulang pd kite memilihnya, menghargainya, menikmatinya..setiap org ade jodoh msg2, percaye pada itu, tp jika sudah jmp jodoh itu, hargailah ia kerna sekali kite melepaskannya, mungkin die xkn kembali kpd kite..once again, hargailah apa yg kite ada sebelum terlambat.....
> cinta itu indah jika kita tau menghargainya
tp tidak bg aku..honestly, kesah cintaku penuh onak dan duri..sukar..but im still trying eventho till one stage, i wanna give up..cinta xboleh dipisahkan dr nt desperate, but its just my life..rse ingin disayangi dan menyanyangi..cinta yg melimpah ruah ni perlu diberikan pd seseorg..
however, its not easy to find my soulmate..still searching till now..somehow, we find the perfect one, but we feel that hes not for us..knp org laen jugak yg dikejar sdgkn ade yg menanti??itulah kehidupan..mencari dan menanti yg xpasti..setia menanti wpn diri tak dihargai.....
im always motivate myself that theres must be sum1 who much more better than him..insyaAllah..maybe im too choosy, too fussy..the word 'better' here means that mayb ill find sum1 who will love me more than i love him..always make me feel comfortable, appreciate, n even i dont need anythg else coz i have him!hope ill find ths guy...aminn...
kadang kala rse sgt bodoh diri ini..kadang kala mahu cinta ini mati..sumenye kerna cinta..kerna cinta, aku jd sakit jiwa..jujur kukatakan..but good side of it, i can breath becoz of life being so colorful..not only black n white..eventho he doesnt appreciate me, but at least my life have some other color..i can feel happy, sad, mad, fun, laugh, love, miss and evrythg just bcoz of him..thanks for that..
if we turning back, we can see that what uve gone thru rite now, seem u had done for sum1 else..what u give, u get back..sumtime we r at top, but sumtime we r at bottom..its a circle..a rotation of life..i believe that thg..we cant predict or even hold that..its HIS job..wht we can do is just pray for our happiness..
cinta kalau dibicarakan, takkan pernah habis..cinta ada dimana2..terpulang pd kite memilihnya, menghargainya, menikmatinya..setiap org ade jodoh msg2, percaye pada itu, tp jika sudah jmp jodoh itu, hargailah ia kerna sekali kite melepaskannya, mungkin die xkn kembali kpd kite..once again, hargailah apa yg kite ada sebelum terlambat.....
> cinta itu indah jika kita tau menghargainya
LOVE. (re-post)

A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,I'll be there."
True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;I'll be there."
- Jimi Hollemans -
> sumthg happen to me lately, its remind me to ths entry. :)
Yesterday in my life.
7.30pm - Call my abah. As usual, everyday must call him since abah dok sorg jek. Tak dpt call. Then call abang sbb abah kate abg nk blk tp abg still kt puchong.
9.00pm - Maseh rilek. Try call lagik. Couple of time but failed.
10.00pm - Cube call lagi. Maseh tak dpt. Hmm. Hati dh stat risau. Then terus sms abang. Then he said die xjd blk, blk ari sabtu. Enough. Tak mau ckp bnyk and tak mau risaukan sesape dgn kerisauan aku ni.
11.00pm - Maseh tak dapat call. Dlm otak dh mcm2 pk. Condition abah dh le xbape sehat, every 3months jmp pakar lpas pnh masuk icu 2thn lpas, suspect sakit jantung. Of cos kerisauan makin menjadi2.
12.00am - Knp xdpt lagi???Dah nanges2 ni. Aku tau aku terlalu berpk. Jadi aku senyap lagi xbgtau kakak2ku yg laen.
1.00am - Finally br dpt call. Alhamdulillah, abah ok jek. Abah g mah akak, xbawa charger. Then blk umah lpe nk On blk. Lege gile. Br lah leh nk tdo.
> I only have my abah.
> Crying again yesterday.
9.00pm - Maseh rilek. Try call lagik. Couple of time but failed.
10.00pm - Cube call lagi. Maseh tak dpt. Hmm. Hati dh stat risau. Then terus sms abang. Then he said die xjd blk, blk ari sabtu. Enough. Tak mau ckp bnyk and tak mau risaukan sesape dgn kerisauan aku ni.
11.00pm - Maseh tak dapat call. Dlm otak dh mcm2 pk. Condition abah dh le xbape sehat, every 3months jmp pakar lpas pnh masuk icu 2thn lpas, suspect sakit jantung. Of cos kerisauan makin menjadi2.
12.00am - Knp xdpt lagi???Dah nanges2 ni. Aku tau aku terlalu berpk. Jadi aku senyap lagi xbgtau kakak2ku yg laen.
1.00am - Finally br dpt call. Alhamdulillah, abah ok jek. Abah g mah akak, xbawa charger. Then blk umah lpe nk On blk. Lege gile. Br lah leh nk tdo.
> I only have my abah.
> Crying again yesterday.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang..
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita dalam keadaan teruji.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkeliru.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terluka.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkilan.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan tahap kesabaran kita menipis.
Dan selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan ianya hadir bila memerlukan dan pergi tanpa meninggalkan pesan...Dan kita terpaksa melepaskan orang yang kita
sayang..kerana kita sayangkannya..kerana kita terlalu amat menyayanginya..
Dan kita pinta perpisahan kerana kita tak mampu..untuk membenci dirinya..
kerana dia sentiasa berada dalam hati kita..walaupun dia yang paling banyak mencalarkannya...
> ku pasti suatu hari nanti cinta ini akan mati
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkeliru.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terluka.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan kita terkilan.
Selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan tahap kesabaran kita menipis.
Dan selalunya orang yang kita sayang, suka membuatkan ianya hadir bila memerlukan dan pergi tanpa meninggalkan pesan...Dan kita terpaksa melepaskan orang yang kita
sayang..kerana kita sayangkannya..kerana kita terlalu amat menyayanginya..
Dan kita pinta perpisahan kerana kita tak mampu..untuk membenci dirinya..
kerana dia sentiasa berada dalam hati kita..walaupun dia yang paling banyak mencalarkannya...
> ku pasti suatu hari nanti cinta ini akan mati
...dan gugur jua air mata ini
i still at my office waiting for my bro..going back to my lovely hometown segamat :)
im speechless actually, notg to write..but my brain give an instruction to my hand to do so..
going back to segamat bcoz ade kenduri arwah my mom..a year already..:(..i miss my mom..really :(..
dulu, bile blk kg, mest too excited nk rse msakan mak..ape yg aku nk, mak mest watkan..skang ni, aku lak yg kne wat sume..burden on me right now since both my elder sis dh berkawen..its my responsibility utk jage abah n adek yg sorg..
im just thinking, how sad i am when im getting married..sape nk tlg uruskn sume??my mom xmspt pon nk tgk anknye yg sorg ni..sape nk serahkan aku pd mak mertuaku??kalo dh ade anak nnt, sape nk jage aku dlm pantang??i want my mom.!!
its so sad, kehilangan seorg mak..wht i regret the most is aku xsmpt melihatnye buat kali terakhir......:(( i can only crying, crying and crying.....
kehilangan my beloved mom menjadi aku seorg yg lebih kuat kerna aku xboleh tunjuk yg aku lemah dan sedih pd abah yg dh tentunya terlalu sedih and especially my lil sis..Tuhan je yg tau betapa aku perlukan kekuatan utk memujuk adek aku yg sorg itu..everyday kne call tny keadaan die kt Arau (jauh dr family)..tu pon slpas berjaya pujuk utk teroskn blaja.....
nyata aku lebih matang menghadapi segalanya..malah menjadikn aku lebih berhati keras, jiwa aku seperti batu...skang bagi aku, tiada masalah yg boleh menandingi masalah aku ketika kehilangan arwah mak tersayang...jadi bile ade mslah percintaan atau pekerjaan, ianya tidak terlalu mengganggu jiwaku..insyaAllah aku leh hadapinya dengan tenang....
> sayangi lah ibu anda sebelum kehilangan dia kerna dia adalah segalanya dlm hdp kita..
> hadapi msalah dgn tenang, berpk secare waras, kuatkan diri itu...
> sekadar berkongsi kisah hidupku..
im speechless actually, notg to write..but my brain give an instruction to my hand to do so..
going back to segamat bcoz ade kenduri arwah my mom..a year already..:(..i miss my mom..really :(..
dulu, bile blk kg, mest too excited nk rse msakan mak..ape yg aku nk, mak mest watkan..skang ni, aku lak yg kne wat sume..burden on me right now since both my elder sis dh berkawen..its my responsibility utk jage abah n adek yg sorg..
im just thinking, how sad i am when im getting married..sape nk tlg uruskn sume??my mom xmspt pon nk tgk anknye yg sorg ni..sape nk serahkan aku pd mak mertuaku??kalo dh ade anak nnt, sape nk jage aku dlm pantang??i want my mom.!!
its so sad, kehilangan seorg mak..wht i regret the most is aku xsmpt melihatnye buat kali terakhir......:(( i can only crying, crying and crying.....
kehilangan my beloved mom menjadi aku seorg yg lebih kuat kerna aku xboleh tunjuk yg aku lemah dan sedih pd abah yg dh tentunya terlalu sedih and especially my lil sis..Tuhan je yg tau betapa aku perlukan kekuatan utk memujuk adek aku yg sorg itu..everyday kne call tny keadaan die kt Arau (jauh dr family)..tu pon slpas berjaya pujuk utk teroskn blaja.....
nyata aku lebih matang menghadapi segalanya..malah menjadikn aku lebih berhati keras, jiwa aku seperti batu...skang bagi aku, tiada masalah yg boleh menandingi masalah aku ketika kehilangan arwah mak tersayang...jadi bile ade mslah percintaan atau pekerjaan, ianya tidak terlalu mengganggu jiwaku..insyaAllah aku leh hadapinya dengan tenang....
> sayangi lah ibu anda sebelum kehilangan dia kerna dia adalah segalanya dlm hdp kita..
> hadapi msalah dgn tenang, berpk secare waras, kuatkan diri itu...
> sekadar berkongsi kisah hidupku..
personality test.
the result from personality test since xmau ltak dlm facebook, so i letak kt sni..hehe
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Lagu Hatiku..
Kenapa aku perlu ‘Thinking of You’??..
Kerna bagiku kau ‘Bukan Superstar’..
Mungkin aku sudah ‘Fall For You’, maka hari-hariku suram ‘Tanpa’mu..
‘Entah’ mengapa kadangkala aku seperti mahu ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ meninggalkanmu..
Kerna aku tahu ku ‘Tak Bisa Memilki’mu..
Hmm..’I Hate This Part’ my dear..
Benar kata orang, cinta ini ‘Cinta Gila’..
Aku mau ‘Biar Mati Cinta Ini’..
Aku pasti ‘Akan Tiba’ waktu itu..
Tapi ‘Dan Sebenarnya’ aku mahu katakan ‘Terima Kasih Cinta’ untuk yang sedikit itu..
Aku harapkan ‘Love Story’ ku akan berakhir di ‘Surga Cinta’..
‘Especially For You’, just ‘Live Your Life’…..:)
> best gak wat bend ni :)
Kerna bagiku kau ‘Bukan Superstar’..
Mungkin aku sudah ‘Fall For You’, maka hari-hariku suram ‘Tanpa’mu..
‘Entah’ mengapa kadangkala aku seperti mahu ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ meninggalkanmu..
Kerna aku tahu ku ‘Tak Bisa Memilki’mu..
Hmm..’I Hate This Part’ my dear..
Benar kata orang, cinta ini ‘Cinta Gila’..
Aku mau ‘Biar Mati Cinta Ini’..
Aku pasti ‘Akan Tiba’ waktu itu..
Tapi ‘Dan Sebenarnya’ aku mahu katakan ‘Terima Kasih Cinta’ untuk yang sedikit itu..
Aku harapkan ‘Love Story’ ku akan berakhir di ‘Surga Cinta’..
‘Especially For You’, just ‘Live Your Life’…..:)
> best gak wat bend ni :)
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