


arini semacam ade yg xkene ngn dri aku..waduh2..thinking bout sumthg..yg klaka nye aku leh fotostat kertas yg kosong..its twice!!parah ni..then arini gak rmai yg kate aku sengal..sape2 yg jmp, even ym pon kate cm gitu..hmm, mungkin..haha

>knp yeh??


dalam delima..

perasaanku ini hmmm...excited, neves, hepy, sume adela..betul ke kptsan yg aku amek ni??i hv 4days to think bout it..wawawa...bersediakah aku??hmm..

>ape nk wat ni?
>terigt lak pg td sala msk bank..nk g cimb tp msk alliance bank (bank ni sebelah jek)..igt xde org pasan, ngupenye org blkg aku nmpk..siap tego aku..ahaha..malu2..

picture give us thousand words..

hi back from holiday..just wanna share my day before holiday n during holiday..not much, but tengok jela..huhu
ari sabtu ketika di ofis..layan mood nk cuti tu, tp keje stil keje..
peringatan! ini bukan lakonan benar belaka..hahaha nur vanessa safiyya..ankku yg las, coming soon on february..


sesuatu yg tak pasti

lately, aku sentiase berpk..pantang mse senggang, otakku ligat perputar..namun, aku xpasti ape yg ku fikirkn..hmm..

otakku tidak serabut dgn mslh yg aku dpt rsekn, otak mcm sedikit nt trying to think it too bende ni mcm sentiase dlm otak..ape yeh??xpasti..hmm

sumtimes, berdebar2..nk bercerite, tp dunno how 2say..ianye sgt tak pasti..cme yg pasti, ianye mengganggu tidurku kebelakangan ni..hmm..

so, utk elakkn ianye berterusan..aku sentiase bz kn dri dgn aku ttp xdpt elakkn dikala malam..berfikir again n again..hmm..

>aku sgt xpasti ape sbrnye..*sigh

surga cinta

Terdiam... hanya bisa diam
dingin menyerang... di sekujur tubuhku

Layangkan mata menembus cahaya putih kilaunya
Meneduhkan lamunan

Masih jelas terlihat, pesona ayumu
Masih jelas terasa, getar dawai jiwamu aahhh...

[REFF 1]
Inikah surga cinta yang banyak orang pertanyakan
Atau hanya mimpi yang tiada pernah berakhir jua

Perlahan bawa semua tanya
Satu bersama... langkah di taman ini

Terangkai bunga tanda cinta murni adanya
Tapi kekasih pun tiada muncul hapus rinduku aahhh...

[REFF 2]
Di mana aku sedang berada mengapa sendiri
Lari telanjang tanpa seorangpun yang akan mempeduli

[REFF 3]
Terbanglah cinta sampaikan sayangku hanya bagi dia
Hanya rasa sepi meratapi malam tanpa dirinya

> like it very much..thanks for u!


its 1.40 am..!

still cant sleep..but bdn sgt2 letih, otak perlukn rehat akibat uses of brain to the max siang td waktu keje..guess wht??aku kne wat cash flow! wahh..ngadap lg aku bend nehh..bermaen ngn nombor, formula, kertas dsbnye..till 8pm br le aku pulang dgn cash flow maseh diotak..2morow shud explain to the bank how we get the figure??urmm...*sigh..2morow oso got to see my client in the monink, having a discussion regarding final account of the project..*sigh

why i cant sleep lg neh??2morrow got to wake up early in the monink, ade small discussion with my boss..can i wake up??hmm..nk wat ape lg neh??ym, dh xde org diruanganku dikala waktu ini..ape nk wat neh??waaaaaaaaaaa.....

>can he found his way back?
>kak pid dh deliver baby lom?
>y otakku serase kusut?


no S

changing my nickname from 'anns' to 'ann' without 'S', i feel so weird and sumthg missing ler..
hmmm..nevermind..slowly, mayb ill get used of it..

~luvs: ann~


i am so happy today..!

akhirnye penat lelah belaja selama 5thn berbaloi..result for my final semester dh kua arini..oficially, i dh grade..!not uitm student anymore..the result, Alhamdulillah..a very satisfying result for me n penutup degree yg sgt best lah..!huhu..still in the excited mood neh..hehehe..

xdpt gmbkn betape hepinye aku skang wpn at ths moment, still at ofis finished up all my works...eventho dh 2ari bertapak di putrajaya for the whole day..u just imagine how tired i am when working at site...* ble blk ofis, tau result, wahhhh...ske gile yg teramat...!!urmm..xtau nk ckp per so hepy larh!!:D

>>hepi lg neh..tersenyum memanjang..

~luvs: ann~


diari seminggu

las week aku ke pangkor 2 ari, on 8th &, ok la..aku lepak kt Flora Beach Resort kt teluk nipah, pangkor..2x aku naek boat keliling pulau..ok la..xbnyk sgt xtvt yg smpat dilakukan..just berehat n mlmnye ade bbq prepared by the resort..then mlm2 g la sopink2 sket carik cenderamate wat teman2..bab ni xbest la bg aku..xde pe pon nk bli..hehe..

the nex day, g kenduri kwn ofismateku, kak nora..di bota, perak..best2..ape lg aku n yg len bergmb sakan xigt dunia!haha..smpai cameraman utk majlis tu pon dok kne tlg amek gmb kteorg..kekeke..utk gmb2 aku di pangkor n kenduri kawen, nex time le aku upload kn sbbnye aku yg bijak dan pandai ni telah meninggalkn laptopku di kg..!muahaha..smpai terlpe nk transfer gmb dlm pendrive..adehh..

cite psal laptop tgl kt kg..hmm bosan gak xde laptop kesgyn ku ni..sunyi sepi ku rsekn..kekeke..kalo x, dpt gak online kt mah..aduh..sbb dh mlas sgt nk bwk blk nek bus, so tgl jela..*sigh

back from holiday, as i said b4, ade tender kne submit..n bcoz of tht, aku xdpt cuti on wed..but, tau ape jd??tender tu xjd amek las2 min..! waa..hepi gle tp bengang gak sbb kalo tau awal2 bek leh blkawal n relax kt mah xdela kne stay up till pg..

ari khamis selangor cuti..cuti ape pon aku xbape pasti..yg aku tau cuti,tu yg xde pe xtvt sgt la..just ptg nye aku n hsemate ke tesco bkt tinggi kononnye nk bli brg dapo..nk jd cite, mse nk parking (dlm tesco), tgh leka cari parking ni..signboard dlm parking tu jatuh betol2 dpn mate n kete mmb ku ni..waaaaa...tergamam dan terkejut..!!seb bek la kteorg xgerak sket je dlm 4-5m kete mmb aku tu..kalo kne, mak aih..xtau nk ckp per..luckily, xde pape..Alhamdulillah..

arini keje mood xde..ape je keje aku arini..dok ngadap claim yg xsiap2..ah lantak ah..sok tgk blk..hehe..

p/s: kak pid dh bersalin ker?hmm..nnt ku tepon die lah!
~luvs: anns~


arini 3rd dec

tarikh : 3hb disember 2008
tempat: ofis, meje Qs ku
jam: 3.30 ptg
status: ngh bersenang lenang..muahaha

wahh..ade mse plak aku berblog time2 keje neh..kuikui..ketua dept aku xde, so dpt le melepak jap, setelah sume keje disetelkn td..tu pon ade je lg keje..hihi

mebi mood bercuti terlalu kuat neh..sok pas keje nk g perak, lepak kt Pangkor..bestnye!..ade family day merangkap pegi ke majlis perkahwinan ofismate ku, kak nora..tahniah kak!

mgu dpn dh nk raye aji..cuti smpai slase td dh isi form nk cuti rabu memandangkn ari khamis cuti kt selangor..hope2 dpt risau gak, sbb on 11th, ade tender submission..*sigh..

sekian utk arini, blog ditangguhkn hingga diberitahu kelak..hahaha

~luvs: anns~



salam sume..
im back..pas stat keje, ni lah entry aku yg nk cite summary ari2 aku selame almost seminggu..

aku dh stat keje ari rabu yg lpas..1st day ok la..i used to work at ths compny notg much la..dh bese ngn environment kt ofis ni..hehe..2nd day dh g meeting ngn client..waa..quite bz la, sbb QS aku quite bz, so aku kne handle keje2 die n purchaser yg dh quit..adehh..overall, my work is ok..cme smlm stress sket sbb aku kne wat schedule of rate sorg2..kalo arge yg aku msukkn tgi,possibility kne omit ngn client..cuak siot kalo kne omit, kang compny ske ati aku la ltak, tp based on supplier's price la..hehe..ops!sory pd sesape yg xfhm ape yg aku cite ni yeh..

cite psal dissert, Alhamdulillah..dh setel wpn a very hectic to rush from putrajaya to shah alam to submit my dissert (cd + hard cover)..then msuk uitm, but then got to wait until 2pm..pastu ble nk submit, kne reject plak, xnk sticker cd cm gitu, nk yg tempah plak..aduh..tertekan!mntk tlg mmb watkn kt kdai tp cd lak rosak..dh blk ofis time tu, terpkse plak amek blk klang amek laptop sbb nk burn cd blk..waaaa..sgt tertekan..finally by 430 br leh submit pas setel sume..fuhhh~!tp yg siannye dpt phone call suh blk ofis sbb ade keje menanti..sob sob...

ari2 aku sama saje, tiada yg menarik..bgn pg g keje then blk mah dh nk maghrib, rehat2, then tdo..xde lifenyeee..smlm br dpt rehat sket (sabtu keje half day)..mlm dgn semangatnye g tgk wyg kt bukit tgi..xnk ckp ah tgk cite ape, tkut nnt kne gelak..hahaha..yg pastinya, aku sgt menyesal tgk cite tu..serik skali!..ade ke time sedih aku dan rerakan leh ketawe terbahak2...huhu...arini plak g jejalan pas blk ptg td, kelam kabut g angkt brg yg mseh tgl kt sek7..then sesampainye kt mah klang, tros mengemas sume brg2 ku..dh xsgp nk tgk beg bergelimpangan..hehe..pas siap kemas n mkn saje bukak laptop..suddenly...ade wireless!!!! haha..tersenyum lebar aku..stlah lme xapdet blog, FB, FS and etcs..maka wujudlah entry ni..hehe..

ni jela kot cite aku yg hamper seminggu ni..hehe..xde idea dh..chiow~

~luvs: anns~


>>las day

notg 2 say nk gak wat entry sbb cm dh lme jek xwat was my las day leh mengadap internet smpai muntah, las day melepak xde wat pe, las day kua melepak dgn teman2, las day stay kt mah swe tersyg ni...

sok segalanye akn bermula..kerja!!yeah aku sudah sume xtvt tu akn ku lupakan..i cn imagine hw bz i am ble dh keje..mungkin blog ni pon xterjenguk..amboi bunyi cm bz sgt la tu..hahaha..its depends..we'll wait n c..

so...acara penutup (wpn xrmai join), aku dan rakan2 kua mkn bersame kt kg baru td..pasni ble sume dh keje mest ssh nk jmp rmai2..waa..sob sob..xpe, if ade mse mari lah kte gathering k..1 more, kpd kwn2 ku, ade cdgn nk wat reunion within 1 year..kalo leh kte wat kt gempak xigt..hehe..cadangan saje..gonna mishh u ols laa..sume besh2 belaka..wahh, sedih plak rse..insyaAllah,kte akn berjmp lg ketika di hari kebesaran kte; convocation!! pd sesape yg just ddk kt lembah klang, jenguk2 la aku di shah alam ni..hehe..wish u all the best, n dapat gaji besau2, leh banje aku..kehkeh...

~luvs: anns~


tagged lg..layannnn~!

wahh..kne tagged lg,remi lg and azrie..mekaseh la yeh!:P


1-the rules of the game get posted at the beginning

2-each players answers the questions about themselves

3-at the end of the post the player then tags 5 people n posts their names,then goes to their blogs and leave a comment,letting them to know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

What were you doing at 10:17pm last night?
>>dlm kete otw nk g mkn steamboat

Besides this, what are you doing right now?
>>dgr hotFM

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
>>ianya adalah satu yg mustahil..kakaka

Who’s the funniest person you know?
>>sape eh?blurr..

Are you afraid to grow up?
>>tidaklah!itu normal kn..

What was your worst subject in school?
>>history..nape xtny yg plg bestt??

If you just drank 14 beers describe what you would be doing?
>>muntah kot..xtau, xpnh plak..

Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
>>pastinya ditutup!

When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
>>i dunno..mayb its my dissertation..

What are you wearing right now?
>>white tshirt

What are you listening to right now?
>>secondhand serenade - falls for u

Whats your favorite number?

How is the weather right now?
>>cuaca kelihatan cerah di shah alam skang..hope smpai ptg, sbb nk g mkn cendol pulut!yum2

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
>>las nite, kakakku-asyie

Do you smoke?
>>tidak pernah walau sekali

Eye Color?
>>hitam rsenye..hihi

Favorite Month?
>>July of cos..sbb ianye dh menandakan dh msuk setengah tahun ke 2 evry yr n its my bday!

What was the last movie you watched?
>>Hana yori dango the movie

Favorite Day of the Year?
>>hari raya, sbb bnyk bend berlaku pd arini..:)

If you could say something to someone right now what would you say?

Hugs or Kisses?

Are you still friends with people from school?
>>yezza..its my kisah klasik utk mse depan..*nnt kte wat reunion lg raye aji n di perkahwinan diah, shidah n wani k!!wawawa

Right-handed or Left-handed?
>>kanan ler

How many pillows do you sleep with?
>>ade 3 plus 1 spongebob!hehe

Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
>>alone..*ni kenyataan sblm kawen yeh..kikiki

What woke you up this morning?
>>tersedar dgn sndri dan 1st thgs yg dibuat is cari hp!waa xleh hdp tnp hp..

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
>>tiada kaitan ngn aku

Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
>>penah le..sian aku..haha

Are you picky about who you give your number to?
>>yerp coz i think its my privacy..

What do you prefer: McDonalds or Burger King?
>>mcd ah..

Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii?
>>hawaii le..

Did you have a good birthday this year?
>>no..coz i lost 2 person tht i love the most :(

Aku nak tag:
>>azizul, ajan


yeehuuuu!! degree has bn competed!! more exam, no more presentation, no more studying..insyaAllah..

supposed pg td ade viva presentation..utk sape xtau viva presentation is presentation for thesis..hmm..alhamdulillah nameku xtersenarai dikalangan yg bertuah krn yg bertuah hanyalah 11 org!what a relief..

tp mlm td rilek lg xprepare pape pon utk presentation pg td until kol 10mlm..wahh..time tu debaran memuncak ble br tersedar dr mimpi..haha..cuak berbakul2..sepantas kilat ku kuakn blk disert yg dh print utk dibace..tgk blk all the datas for my gen knwledge if cuaknye sekejap je pon..kol 12 setel pas otter sket slide, betulkn pe yg ptt..pastu rilek..haha

1230 try ah nk tdo..bgku tu waktu tdo plg awal tu..slalu kol3 br tdo..xpe, cbe gak..sudahnye xleh tdo, smpai 2x bkk laptop..akhirnye kol 330 br dpt lelapkn mate..seb baek leh bgn awal sbb kol 745 dh nk gerak..kunonnye list name kua b4 jam 8..

smpai fakulti kol8..dr parking nk ke blk coordinator tu Ya Allah! Tuhan jela yg tau..menggigil2 kaki ni nk berjalan..seb bek pkai wedges, kalo pkai heels mau dh terjatuh dh..hahaha..tbe dsne, kwnku cal ckp "xyah naek, name dh kua..ade 11 org je ni.." wah dgr tu lg cuak..sbb igt just 11org yg xkne..ngupenye 11org yg kne viva..huhu..lega gle!tgk bnyk kali gak, puny la stil tgu gak kalo2 ade 2nd list name mmg xde..hehe..tros serta merta perut lapa sbb las nite xmkn pe..muahaha..

tp walau ape pon aku harap aku pass sume la..xnk dh extend satu sem hepy gak ni..hihi..

dah2, carik keje!!gambatte ne~!

~luvs: anns~


I've been tagged!

aku telah di tagged oleh remi..waaa..siap remind plak tu..aduh..k2, remi..inilah jwpnnye..:P

starting time : 2044
name : Mariana
nick : yana, na, ana, anns
sisters : 2 elder sisters and 1 younger sister
shoe size : 5-6
height :1.57

where do you live : Shah Alam, Selangor
have u ever been in plane : Yes
swam in the ocean : Never, but pnh jatuh dlm laut mse kayaking
fallen asleep at school : Jarang ler..slalu thn jek
broken someone’s heart :Penah,my first love..hehe
fell off your chair : Penah
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Slalu gak especially ble gado hihi..
saved emails : Fwded mails from my fren, n when i thinks its realy important..
what is your room like : Biase tilam, almari, small Japanese table, n a racks..
what’s right beside you : Handphones, pen, a comb!:D
what is the last thing u ate : Wedges made by myhsemate..yummy2..
sore throat : dh lme xkne..xnk pon!ahaks..
broken nose : oh, xpnh lg i guess..

do you believe in love at first sight : not really..havent got any experience..:P
like picnic : Ske!tp jrg dpt g picnic..huhu
who was/were…the last person you danced with : my fren
last made you smile : when listening to especially for u, suggested by remi..hehe
last you last yelled at : oh i cant remember, when ah?
today,did you talked to someone you like : br beberape saat td..hehehe..its my B
kissed anyone :No
get sick :last 2days, selsema but kejap jek..seb baek!hehe
talk to an ex : dh lme sgt..smpai xigt..hehe..
miss someone : rindu kt my B, rindu kt abah, rindu kt sume!!
who do you really hate : ppl who forced me 2do which i dont like, back stab me, ppl who realy annoying n xfhm bahse..hahaha

do you like you hand-writing : yezza..realy like coz i think its nice to c..hahaha..puji dri sndri
are your toe nails painted : never
what color shirt are you wearing now : white..tshirt frm thai..
are you friendly person : i think so..u ols rse??hehe

do you have any pets : pnh ade kucing, named dino n dh mati dah..
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : sumtimes coz i think my lappy need rest too same as me..
what are you doing right now : jawab tag ni, chat, n listening to especially 4 u..
can you handle the truth : i think i can..have to!
are you closer to your mother or father : both, i love mak n abah!
do you eat healthy : yes, but ade mkn megi gak lately food dh lme xamek inclg air bergas..
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : no..thro it away alredy..
if you’re having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : my B..frens also..
are you loud or quiet most of the time : depends on my mood n situasi dimana sy berada..
are you confident : depends..if i realy know tht thgs, then ill be so confident..

5 things i was doing 10 years ago: i was in form 1..
1) waa..dh masuk skolah menengah!!hehe
2) tuka 3 buah skolah..
3) make frens
4) g skolah nek bus!teruja time tu sbb skolah rendah abah anta..
5) blaja rajin2 utk maintain my result..

5 things i would do if i were a billionaire:
1) bg abah n family
2) bukak double storey kdai..ats butik, bwh saloon..
3) bli BMW kot..not sure yet
4) shopping!!
5) g travel keliling dunia..

5 of my bad habits:
1) cerewet ttg mknn kot
2) cepat menanges ble berkaitan org yg disyg
3) xleh kua tanpa bli pape..
4) cepat sgt terase
5) ske bli brg tp xpkai..membazir!

5 places i’ve lived/living:
1) Segamat, Johor
2) Shah Alam, Selangor
3) Keramat, KL
4) Klang, Selangor
5) Pekan, Pahang

5 people i tagged:
~nk suh sape ekh??hold dlu lah..ahaks!


menoleh kebelakang seketika

salam utk sume..
tiada ape utk diperkatekn sbnrnye dlm blog ni..cme aku nk berkongsi cite ngn kamu sume ttg mse skolahku..memandangkn aku akn melangkah ke alam pekejaan so soon (insyaAllah!)..aku ske zaman skolah ku sbb mcm2 terjd..hihi..eniway, its my very precious experience and moments..1 day, ianya akn menjd satu kesah menarik utk dikongsi dgn ank2ku!(wahh berangan nk anak plak..hahah)..

bermula pd zaman tadika ku, sumenye berjalan lancar..tiada yg membimbangkn mak n abahku..hehe..segalanye bermula di skolah rendh..aku dh stat wat perangai time ni..aku xske g skolah!!!hahaha...lawak tul la aku ni..dtg skolah kol 730 then kol 10 time rehat mest aku blk..kiki..mcm2 alasan aku bg, aku sakit perut la, nk jge adek la..huhu..jage adek tu kelasku plak layan jek perangai aku ni..baeknye cikgu aku ni..mne ntah die skang?hmm..mekaseh krn melayan ank didikmu ni dgn kesabaran..2thn gak aku wat perngai cm gini..huhu...mak ngn abah saba gle melayan kerenah anaknye yg 1 ni..sayang mak n abah!

masuk skolah kesah lbh krg sme tp keadaan yg berbeza..form 1 aku skolah kt 3 buah skolah..KL, Pekan Pahang n dekat mah aku sndri..mle2 kt KL, skolah BBGS..waduhh..time ni xthn, culture shock 1 then homesick..hehe..nk cite pnjg sgt..bnyk gak kesah kt KL sbb kedegilan aku berkeras nk blk, then abah aku pon ikut jela ape aku nak..hehe..then aku skolah asrama kt Pekan..kali ni best gak ble skali outing blk mah, aku teros xnk blk asrama..haha..kali ni mak ngn aku saba gak wpn aku tau ade kekecewaan dlm hati mereka..*sigh..then akhirnye aku hny sklah kt mah aku jek..till abes spm..mse form 4 dpt teknik mak aku berkeras xkasi..sbb takut aku blk lg!kekeke..naseb bek aku xg..ntah2 aku pon blk lg kang..

ble zaman masuk U..hmm kali ni aku terpkse berjauhan ngn family aku..mak aku bkn men risau lg keadaan aku dok perjuangan harus diteroskn!ahaks..slowly i get used of smpai la skang..akhirnye berjaya selme 5thn lbh aku berjauhan ngn family homesick anymore..ddk jauh dr family, mengaja aku erti kematangan..mklum la hdp sendirian..kedegilan juga semakin bekurangan..rse berslah bnyk sshkn mak ngn abah aku mse dr zaman kecikku lg..smpai skang kot!hehe..

wahhh..rindunye zaman pkai uniform skolah!!!dont u??but we cant turning back our time..hanya teroskan hdp kehadapan..cme jgnla smpai terleka, sesekali kte perlu jg menoleh kebelakang..utk dijadikan pengajaran dan membaiki dri sndri..smge maju jaya pd sume!

~luvs: anns~


1 litre of tears

sebuah series Jepun yg dh ditygkn in aku br jek tgk..hikhik kesiannye..but nvr mind..cite ni diperknlkn oleh kwn aku mlenye..die kate aku pasti akn menanges la tgk cite ni, sedih gle..aku pon ckp "sedih sgt ker?kalo aku xnanges cane?"..haha..die dgn xpuas atinye berusahe mendonlod cite ni (bape ari ntah die donlodkn..hehehe)..mekaseh la yeh!

lpas siap donlod, 3ari yg lpas die pass cite ni kt hsemate aku..wpn aku ade paper ari jumaat (yeaa, dh abes exam!!), aku ttp layan smpai epi 8..balance 3 episode smpan pas abes exam..aku tny ending pd mmb aku 2org..2-2 xmo ckp..adehh geramnye..kte dorg xsurprise kunun..huh

meh cite sket psal cite ni..sbnrnye ni kesah benar yg betol2 berlaku kt Jepun..Aya berumo 15thn mengidap sakit saraf yg mengakibatkn die krg upaya utk berjalan, berckp dan pergerakan tgn..die nk bergerak, tp bdn die xmerelakan..sedih sgt la cite ni..aku admit xde menitiskn airmate lagi la..huhu..layan pny layan smpai epi 6, ade satu scene yg mne Ako (adek pompuan aya) menyedarkn adek lelaki die sbb adek laki die malu dgn keadaan kakaknye (Aya) sad, nmpk kaseh syg antre adek beradek wpn Ako ni pd mulenye nmpk mcm ignorance pd kakak die..2nd scene yg wat aku sedih mse epi 10 yg Aya dh terlantar kt hospital..mse tu die nk g toilet nk buang air kecil, tp die xmampu berjln dan die "ter" disitu..pd mse yg same Asou-kun (bf Aya) tgk keadaan die..sedih bangat keadaan die ble lelaki yg die syg tgk kejadian tu..dan scene yg lg 1 wat aku sedih yg mne Aya nk call mak die gne public phone tp xdpt sbb keadaan tgn die yg begitu lambat..naseb baek mak die terdetik utk dtg tgk Aya tgh2 mlm..sbnrnye Aya mmg perlukn mak die tyme tu..waduhh..

so pd kawnku tu, aku ngaku la cite ni sedih dan bisa menyentuh hatiku..sob sob..lg pula ni kesah benar kn..bnyk moral yg kte leh tgk dlm cite ni..ksh syg sebuah keluarge yg xhenti2 putus asa menjage sehingga 10thn lmenye..seorg bf yg sentiase memahami keadaan die, malah berusaha utk yg terbaek..kwn2 juga yg sentiase membantu, xpnh lari meninggalkn die..mknenye ssh sng aku sgt kesian dgn keadaan Aya sbbnye mse sehatnye seorg yg sgt active tp tb2 hilang daya upaya..i can feel her sme2 lah kte bersyukur dgn ape yg kte ade, hargailah selagi kte berupaya...

~luvs: anns~



dont knw wht to say day 2day is always da same as b4..wk up, then lunch, then study..ble study las paper mmg rse malas yg amat..standard la tu..mostly rmai yg cm gitu..aku pon xterkecuali..nmpk cm studi tp otak dh melayang ke mne org tersyg, pk nk blk mah, pk nk carik keje, pk mcm2 ni dh las paper, for ths semester n for my degree!!so i hope i can do it the best la 2morow..doakan aku ye kwn2..
~luvs: anns~


at 3AM!!

salam pg yg indah..
my day is a lil bit diff today..hehe..wonder y?i woke up early in the mornink, 830 am!wow..sgt mengejutkn dsbbkn kemlsan menyeliputi dri, aku pon just guling2 slpas meng'available'kn dri dlm dh 2jam, br le bgn sebetulnye..tu pon lpas dpt cnfrmation frm my fren utk studi bersme tgh bgn2 teros msak utk lunch..hentam jela ape yg ade..

after mkn, 1230 gerak le msk ke kt stdnt lounge..suddenly, wht an unexpected thg happen..huhu..terserempak wit my exbf in tht room!!wahhh..after quite 4 a long time xjmp, tbe2 jmp kt situ..terkedu cover la sbb rmai plak kt dlm tu..perlukn aku cite bend ni??huhu..xpe, studi n discussion ttp ditroskn till 5pm if im nt mistaken..misi study grp berjaye..tiade smbg kosong..huhu..then blk lepak mkn cendol ats cdgn aku..cendol pulut..yum2..haha..layann..lepak smpai kol6..

ble dh mlm, xde mood nk studi dh..mgkn otakku dh penat..just a small discussion wit my hsemate..then i just sit in frnt of my laptop, layan cite on9, chtg smpai muntah, layan blog org smpai berpinar mate ni n then tbe2 rse nk wat satu entry mlm silap pg dah..hihi..sbnrnye otakku dh berat ni..mate dh xleh focus, tp xtau nape bdn ni xleh nk gerak dr meje ku ni..aduh..but i think i shud go 2 sleep laa..utk elakkn pening lg..hihi..

ill stop here, to get some rest..till nex time, daa!

~luvs: anns~



A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,I'll be there."

True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;I'll be there."

- Jimi Hollemans -

in the GREEN mood

Green is the colour of life..
the colour that sustains life..
the colour that makes bread for us..
it is the colour of our mother Earth.

Green is the color of the heart chakra. Green is the color of nature. Green is the most predominant color on the planet. It balances our energies, and it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion. It represents purity and harmony. It has a calming effect, especially in inflamed conditions of the body. It is soothing to the nervous system. It is a great healer. It builds muscles, bones and other tissue cells. Its complement is magenta.

wahh..bgus juge efek kaler ijau ni yeh..dan dsbbkn itu aku memilih layout kaler ijau..lbh mendamaikn..hihi..lg pule, jika kte mengantok, silala pandang pd tumbuh2an hijau ye..utk terapi mengatok selain tk a deep breath!so pas ni nk carik baju kaler ijau la plak..wahh dh minat plak kaler ni plak..ahaks!hehe..

~luvs: anns~



what is claustrophobia??claustrophobia means fear of confined spaces..yg juge membwa mksd ketakutan kpd ruangan yg sempit dan tertutup..ianye tergolong dlm salah satu dprd kumpulan fobia..
why ths topic??fyi, aku sndri pernah mengalami phobia ni, utk jgke mase yg agak lame..aku takut ble berada dlm tempat yg sempit cthnye; toilet, gua, stor dan yg sewaktu dgnnye..aku xleh berada dlm toilet (cubical) yg bg aku sgt sempit..aku akn rse mcm dinding tu akan himpit aku dlm tu..its true!!aku xtpu n im sure msg2 mest akn ade ketakutan msg2 kn??slowly, aku rse ketakutan tu sedikit terhakis tp sumtimes ttp ade..
apa kaitannya??hmm..lately, aku mengalami pening kepala yg agak terok..pelbagai andaian aku wat..mungkin megi, terlalu bnyk minum kopi dan selalu tdo lewat..sume tu mungkin factor penyumbang 2 my sickness..
tapi..surprisingly, aku dh jmp ape penyebabnye..nk tau ape??inilah kaitannye dgn phobia aku tu..sejak blk raye, aku jrg kua rumah, study nk exam..jd hidup aku leh kte 24 hours dlm rmh n 2b specified, dlm blk..blk aku yg plg kecik dlm rumah lpas blk dr kua dr pg (xde pening), aku masuk jek dlm blk, aku teros rse pening..muingkin sbb aku xde kua lnsg so dh naek muak dan nk muntah ngadap blk ni..aku rse blk ni sempit n sgt tertutup..
what shud i do??aku pnh mengalami mslah yg sme mse dok kolej, tp mse tu aku rse blk kt kolej aku tu quite yg ni..aduhh..cane aku nk study 4 my las paper?pening satu, my rooms env!
any1 pernah mengalami masalah yg sme ngn aku??any suggestion 4 me?


Quantum of Solace

Yeah..akhirnye cite yg ku tunggu kua di pawagam..then dgn bangge dan xsabarnye aku bersame rkan2 g la tgk di ari pertama tyangnnye..msuk2 org xrmai lg..slowly, hall dilihat smkn penuh..wahh..rate2 mesti excited kn nk tgk cite ni cm aku kn?ehehe.. dimulakan tygnnye..first nk cite psal soundtrack die..kali ni soundtrack bond dinyanyikn oleh alicia keys feat sape ntah aku xpsan dan xdpt knl pasti suare die..hmm, aku xberape ske sgt la lagu die ni..lg ske soundtrack Casino Royale, u knw my name by chriss cornel..hehe..

quantum of solace is all about revenge la..n dsbbkn mistaken identity, maka bond pon berkenalan ngn Camille (Olga Kurylenko)..aku ske tgk tone kulit pompuan ni..kale bronze tu..cantek ah..hihi..back to the aku personally, tidak menggemari sequel kali ni..jln cite yg tidak bape action is nt bad la..yg pntg bond sentiase nmpk hebat krn leh membwe pelbagai kenderaan termsuk kete, boat dan juge kapal terbang..hebat la kn?cm bese..haha dlm cite ni gak die bwk kte ke 3 negara, italy, austria dan south america..

for me, aku kecewa tgk cite ni..membosankn..dh le ade mslah penghawa dingin dlm hall..lg la aku pnas..adehh..mungkin aku letak high expectation utk yg kali ni n mungkin krn aku ske prev sequel; Casino Royale..but its up 2u to judge by urself..g la ke pawagam berhampiran kamu kalo nk tau setakat mane kehebatan cite ni..aku??kecewe~!

~luvs: anns~


its what in my mind 2day..

nmpknye pening pale aku dtg lagi..mebi mkn megi bnyk sgt lately?n its mk me addicted to tryin to nt tkg any medicine if pening..jus gne minyak angin jek, but ths time i HAVE to..waaa!!xnk let its getting worst!

n becoz of my headache, i cant do anytg..seb baek my nex paper lmbt xtvts day to day is oni sit in front of my laptop, surfing internet, chatting, watching online series n of cos sleepin'!!what a heaven i dnt knw y, i cant watch movie dgn skali tgk saje..ill nd in min 3 days to finish 1 movie!believe it or nt, its the reality...if in cinema, ill always watchg at my watch n thinkg "ble cite ni nk abes??lmenye..." even cite besh cane pon, mest akan jd cm gini..wonder y??cos, i easy to get bored..haha..

wpn aku ade mslh tgk movie, but, ianye xmenghalang aku nk tgk movie mlm ni..waitg quite for a long time, i cant wait 2c my fav movie, bond: quantum of solace!!xsabanye..mlm ni tgk midnite kul 11 kt tgv bukit raja..dan janji ngn rerakan n dah book pon!tqvm la pd org yg tlg book tu ;) kang dh tgk, kte kasi review itu cerite! hehe..hope no disapointment k!!

in a meantime, im also seeking for a if there is any job in ur company, just let me knw..itu pon kalo nk kasi la..haha..trying to mk a very convincing resume, so tht mayb leh dpt keje yg besh!hehe..insyaAllah..ngh isi government gak, tp bkn sng nk dpt kn?ala, cbe2 naseb, kalo dpt alhamdulillah la, rezeki...:) my fren rmai yg dh dpt keje ni wpn exam lom abes..n its mk me in stress!waaa..nk jugakkk..xpe, saba yana saba..setelkn pe ade dpn mate dlu k! exam n oral viva tu..

cite psal exam, nex paper is Management Principle and Practice IV on of my fav subject since in semester 1..eventho i dnt lk readg subject, but mgt is interestg laa!its encourage us to thnk how to manage sumtg, hw to make a decision, hw to deal wit diff behavior of ppl..which cn applied in our daily life..then its the reason y like ths subject..but ble nk exam ttp stress sbb bnyk sgt tajuknye!!adehhh...but nvr mind, try to study smart ya! haa, tu pon mgt gak tu!ahaks..

so skang ni waktu2 cm gini (kol 1tghhari), xsesuai nk studi ni...hehe..alasan!kehkeh..jadi pe kate kte layan facebook jap!bnyk application yg menarik menanti anda..:D k la, nk layan jap..daa!

~luvs: anns~


arini 3hb nov..(mlm version..hehe)

otakku maseh xmenentu..mkn stil xlalu..knp begini yeh?aku sndri pelik ngn dri sndri aku nk share satu cite yg dh berlaku sebentar td..nk jd kesahnye, aku ngn nor (my hsemate!) g le ke rmh matyi kwnku nk g rembat movie utk dilayan dikala bosan merempit le sekejap wpn xjauh mne pon..but surprisingly, im too excited membonceng moto ngn nor td..adehh..sedang nek moto td aku leh ckp ngn nor "nor! beshnye nek moto mlm2..jom kte g jln2!"..hahaha..nor dh wat mke pelik (wpn aku xnmpk, tp aku leh bygkn!..) sesungguhnye, mmg aku hepi gle n rse sgt seronok nek moto td..kalo leh nk nor bwk aku keliling satu shah alam utk menghiburkn ati yg sedang lara ini...cehh! pekan daye, xbrani plak pompuan jln2 nek moto mlm2..bhye!sok nk suh nor bwk aku jln2 lg ah tp nk time mlm jek..hahaha..mest korg pelik kn nape aku excited gle nek moto td??haha..ntah le, tp yg pntg ianye dh membuatkn ari ku kembali sedikit ceria..hehe..mekaseh nor!:D...dpt le aku melpekn kesah exam pg td..hehe..cite psal exam pg td..haa..aku dgn banggenye telah memangkah jadual aku utk paper constech..huh!nk tgk jadual studi aku yg aku tmpal kt dinding??hehe..ade kt bwh ni ha..layannn..!
alamak!buruknye jadual aku!hehe
~luvs: anns~

arini 3hb nov..

pg td ade paper constech IV 9-12..mak aih..soklan yg membencikn..ade yg bajet tu kua yg sakit ati maintenance policy xde kua walau sezarah pon!!geramnyee...tup2 die leh kua planning plak..adehh..terpkse la jwb soklan laen yg pasl issue yg aku leh ktekn aku hentam 100%..tekanan!!tp aku xtau nape aku xde mood sgt jwb paper td..leh dok termenung jek, xde td b4 g exam, tepon abah dlu..nk nanges rase, dh bergenang pon airmate ni ha(mmg slalu cani pon!)..slalunye ade mak..:( blk je exam, B msg..pon nk nanges gak!aduhai..asal la nk sensitif sgt ni?g mkn pon xlalu nk mkn..ape yg xkne ngn aku ni??waaaa!!!tp aku harap paper td lulus la, nk grade, nk keje...doa2kn la yeh..xtau nk ckp pe dah..blur,sedih,risau,hepi,dsbnye...daa!
~luvs: anns~


tika dan saat ini..

salam di pg yg indah..
waktu dilaptopku menunjukkn jam 230 pg..wahh maseh lom tdo aku..nk tau knp??studi le ape lg..huhu..ade exam ari isnin ni so skang ni struggle le sket (struggle ke?cm bnyk maen jek..huhu) br pas abes bce land reclamation..bosannye!!tu ok lg, jgn roadwork..tu mmg xle blah lnsung..kalo ikt jadul pembelajaranku, sok aku dh kne stat studi defect..stakat ni maseh ikut jadul lg tu la, still kne bce lg skali utk kuatkn daya pemahaman..adehh!!knp la kne ade final exam??kalo xde xleh ker?bosan lah..sanggup aku wat asg jek..haha..kalo la aku VC uitm, mmg slamat ah student uitm xde final exam..haha..ske ati aku jek!..mne leh beb, sume tu utk menguji kefahaman student kn..cehh jwb sndri lah akibatnye kalo dh bosan nk blaja..xpe2..sket lg nk abes ni (insyaAllah, doakan aku berjaye abeskn degree ni k!)..oh! otakku perlukn rehat dr belaja..dh 5 thun stret blaja tanpe henti, padan la aku jd cm gini..aduhh..kan dh ade luahan hati dlm blog ni..haha..neway, to all my fren (especially CMian 04), aku ucpkn gud luck 4 ur final k?smoge kte grade sesame bln 5, 2009 k!aminn..erkk, cm dh bnyk melalut ni..

(sekadar gmb hiasan..ahaks!- its my fren's wed..)

..semoge ketemu lg di laen mase..


teka gambar

dissbkn bosan dan tertekan dgn brite yg br dpt (sape xg modul, xleh grade~~!!!waaa...nnt akn ku cite lg psal bend ni...), maka aku dgn tenang hatinya, membt satu post utk arini..
hmm..jika kamu sume terer dan bijak dan pandai, cbe kamu teka dimanakah gmb2 ni terletak??hehe.. ape mcm?sudah dpt teke?hehe...
..semoge ketemu lg dilaen mase..
~luvs: anns~


Open HSe Aidilfitri di Depavali ;)

arini dh 27hb bersamaan 27Syawal..maseh ade rknku yg wat open org dh jemput g ajela..mira namenye (xclassm8 mse part1 degree)..mah die kt ss22 PJ, dgn ketereran nazmi (laki abit), maka kami tidak sesat dan slmt smpai..huhu..sesampai jek pe lg??mkn bnyk antrenye laksa, ketupat n rendang mest ade, meehun n mknn smpingan dan desert juga sbnrnye rindu gak kt mira tu yg g jugak ni..dh lme xjmp die (padahal ade gak jmp dlm bln8 aritu..)hehe..jadi, dgn berbekalkn kamera hp SE ku yg xseberape canggih ni, sempat jua mengabadikn gmb kami bersme..
jadi, layaannnn...!
yg berbaju itam tu lah mira ;)

sebelum blk kne pose dlu..abit ngn nor bengang jek!huhu
~luvs: anns~

gambo ulu yam!!

so seperti yg dijanjikn..stlh matyi kwn (tqvm u!) send gmb di ym, akhirnye aku pon nk upload la kasi tgk sket..hehe..
ni cme sebahagian saje..kre ok la kn..huhu

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~


ulu yam epi 2

knp epi 2??haha..sbbnye ini kali ke2 penganjurannye bg batch dec06-oct08..huhu..atas permintaan rmai (yg akhirnye yg join sket je pown!), aku dgn ringan mulutnye mengusulkn pd kecik a.k.a fairuzzaman sahabatku..dh rancang bkn men sebulan awal, so kre nk warn awal2 la pd bdak2 spy jgn blk awal (dh msuk study week, yg sememangnye sume rmai nk blk) ble tbe msenye sket je pon nk ikt serta..but never mind..less is easy..hehe..

mse nk dekat tarikh ni (25hb 10) aku pon igt ingin menarik dri dr mnyertai tu lah, aku ni boleh kte xkn miss all the terpkse la gak g (cehh..padahal mmg nk g..ahaks!)..tugas aku dan rkan2ku serumah ialah memasak ns grg, coslow n sandwich..mau pengsan gak nk wat tu utk 30org dgn kelengkapan yg tak cukup..seb bek abit a.k.a mrs nazmi rela hati utk membuatkn sandwich di rmhnye..fuhhh..ringan sket tugas kteorg (aku, el n nor)..

pg2 bgn kul 6 nk msak ni..bhn2 dh sediakn waktu mlm td b4 tdo (kami tdo kol3...)..masak la dgn kelam kabutnya..ntah sedap ntah tidak..lantak ah peduli ape, asal leh 7.25 br la driver kami (matyi a.k.a azrie) menjemput kami then kmpul kt shell fed..sampai2 kne maki ngn fak.."kate nk gerak kol 7.30??"haha..sory beb, bkn salah kami..salahkn driver kami..haha..dlm kol 8 br kteorg gerak ke ulu yam..kete 3 bijik dan moto xtau plak bil nye..huhu..ketua xtvt dh menunggu disane..sampai bt cave kne tgu nazbit plak..adela nk dekat setengah jam..

sesampainye di sne sume dh ade, dah teros nk bakar ayam n etc..ade yg dh terjun dlm air..adeh!!nk joinn tp sbnrnye penakut air aku disbbkn xthn tgk nor ngn el nun disane..aku pon beranikn dri..tu pon setelah diyakinkn oleh yg len..haha..dah masuk xigt la plak nk nek ats g mkn.."xpela, bia dorg mkn dlu"-kte el..lme gak berendam dlm tu..sbbkn mknn yg bnyk, aku tgk dak laki sume menghentam segala yg ade..ahaha..xpe2, kalo x, sape lg nk abeskn kn?

dah setel sume kol 130 br siap sedia nk pulang..blk bkn men jamm lg, ya rabbi..adehh, saba jela..xcident la pe la..smpai shah alam kol 330 roughly..akibat terlalu penat, aku teros tdo tnpe menukar baju!!hahaa..but neway, enjoy ah kali ni sbb aku msuk dlm mebi las xtvt kteorg satu batch bersame2..yela nk grade dh xtau la plak kalo ade any ad-hoc xtvt after exam..huhu..pape jgn lpe info..utk gmb2 disne akn dimsukkn dikemudian ari..tgu matyi kwnku bg..hehe

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~

special thanks to Dir

haa..if u ols nk tau, dir ni lah yg aja saye psal blog hasilnye..wahh dh ade layout n some cool widgets..hehe..mekaseh bebanyak ye dir..

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~

first post

finally i hv my own blog..:D ni lah akibatnye krn terlalu bosan n dunno wht 2 do..stil young in ths field (cewahh), so xbape tau ler nk tulis ape, nk letak ape, nk edit slowly, saye akan blaja permulaan, let me introduce myself Mariana,23,F..

gmb ni diamek ketika pegi trip ke bangkok-pattaya..besh gle bangat..7d6n what a long story bout ths trip, it may take a long mayb nex post saye akn cite k..

but neway, im still too excited wit my new blog..its kind of my new life has been started..nmpknye dh ade xtvt br utk dilakukan..huhu..

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~



arini semacam ade yg xkene ngn dri aku..waduh2..thinking bout sumthg..yg klaka nye aku leh fotostat kertas yg kosong..its twice!!parah ni..then arini gak rmai yg kate aku sengal..sape2 yg jmp, even ym pon kate cm gitu..hmm, mungkin..haha

>knp yeh??


dalam delima..

perasaanku ini hmmm...excited, neves, hepy, sume adela..betul ke kptsan yg aku amek ni??i hv 4days to think bout it..wawawa...bersediakah aku??hmm..

>ape nk wat ni?
>terigt lak pg td sala msk bank..nk g cimb tp msk alliance bank (bank ni sebelah jek)..igt xde org pasan, ngupenye org blkg aku nmpk..siap tego aku..ahaha..malu2..

picture give us thousand words..

hi back from holiday..just wanna share my day before holiday n during holiday..not much, but tengok jela..huhu
ari sabtu ketika di ofis..layan mood nk cuti tu, tp keje stil keje..
peringatan! ini bukan lakonan benar belaka..hahaha nur vanessa safiyya..ankku yg las, coming soon on february..


sesuatu yg tak pasti

lately, aku sentiase berpk..pantang mse senggang, otakku ligat perputar..namun, aku xpasti ape yg ku fikirkn..hmm..

otakku tidak serabut dgn mslh yg aku dpt rsekn, otak mcm sedikit nt trying to think it too bende ni mcm sentiase dlm otak..ape yeh??xpasti..hmm

sumtimes, berdebar2..nk bercerite, tp dunno how 2say..ianye sgt tak pasti..cme yg pasti, ianye mengganggu tidurku kebelakangan ni..hmm..

so, utk elakkn ianye berterusan..aku sentiase bz kn dri dgn aku ttp xdpt elakkn dikala malam..berfikir again n again..hmm..

>aku sgt xpasti ape sbrnye..*sigh

surga cinta

Terdiam... hanya bisa diam
dingin menyerang... di sekujur tubuhku

Layangkan mata menembus cahaya putih kilaunya
Meneduhkan lamunan

Masih jelas terlihat, pesona ayumu
Masih jelas terasa, getar dawai jiwamu aahhh...

[REFF 1]
Inikah surga cinta yang banyak orang pertanyakan
Atau hanya mimpi yang tiada pernah berakhir jua

Perlahan bawa semua tanya
Satu bersama... langkah di taman ini

Terangkai bunga tanda cinta murni adanya
Tapi kekasih pun tiada muncul hapus rinduku aahhh...

[REFF 2]
Di mana aku sedang berada mengapa sendiri
Lari telanjang tanpa seorangpun yang akan mempeduli

[REFF 3]
Terbanglah cinta sampaikan sayangku hanya bagi dia
Hanya rasa sepi meratapi malam tanpa dirinya

> like it very much..thanks for u!


its 1.40 am..!

still cant sleep..but bdn sgt2 letih, otak perlukn rehat akibat uses of brain to the max siang td waktu keje..guess wht??aku kne wat cash flow! wahh..ngadap lg aku bend nehh..bermaen ngn nombor, formula, kertas dsbnye..till 8pm br le aku pulang dgn cash flow maseh diotak..2morow shud explain to the bank how we get the figure??urmm...*sigh..2morow oso got to see my client in the monink, having a discussion regarding final account of the project..*sigh

why i cant sleep lg neh??2morrow got to wake up early in the monink, ade small discussion with my boss..can i wake up??hmm..nk wat ape lg neh??ym, dh xde org diruanganku dikala waktu ini..ape nk wat neh??waaaaaaaaaaa.....

>can he found his way back?
>kak pid dh deliver baby lom?
>y otakku serase kusut?


no S

changing my nickname from 'anns' to 'ann' without 'S', i feel so weird and sumthg missing ler..
hmmm..nevermind..slowly, mayb ill get used of it..

~luvs: ann~


i am so happy today..!

akhirnye penat lelah belaja selama 5thn berbaloi..result for my final semester dh kua arini..oficially, i dh grade..!not uitm student anymore..the result, Alhamdulillah..a very satisfying result for me n penutup degree yg sgt best lah..!huhu..still in the excited mood neh..hehehe..

xdpt gmbkn betape hepinye aku skang wpn at ths moment, still at ofis finished up all my works...eventho dh 2ari bertapak di putrajaya for the whole day..u just imagine how tired i am when working at site...* ble blk ofis, tau result, wahhhh...ske gile yg teramat...!!urmm..xtau nk ckp per so hepy larh!!:D

>>hepi lg neh..tersenyum memanjang..

~luvs: ann~


diari seminggu

las week aku ke pangkor 2 ari, on 8th &, ok la..aku lepak kt Flora Beach Resort kt teluk nipah, pangkor..2x aku naek boat keliling pulau..ok la..xbnyk sgt xtvt yg smpat dilakukan..just berehat n mlmnye ade bbq prepared by the resort..then mlm2 g la sopink2 sket carik cenderamate wat teman2..bab ni xbest la bg aku..xde pe pon nk bli..hehe..

the nex day, g kenduri kwn ofismateku, kak nora..di bota, perak..best2..ape lg aku n yg len bergmb sakan xigt dunia!haha..smpai cameraman utk majlis tu pon dok kne tlg amek gmb kteorg..kekeke..utk gmb2 aku di pangkor n kenduri kawen, nex time le aku upload kn sbbnye aku yg bijak dan pandai ni telah meninggalkn laptopku di kg..!muahaha..smpai terlpe nk transfer gmb dlm pendrive..adehh..

cite psal laptop tgl kt kg..hmm bosan gak xde laptop kesgyn ku ni..sunyi sepi ku rsekn..kekeke..kalo x, dpt gak online kt mah..aduh..sbb dh mlas sgt nk bwk blk nek bus, so tgl jela..*sigh

back from holiday, as i said b4, ade tender kne submit..n bcoz of tht, aku xdpt cuti on wed..but, tau ape jd??tender tu xjd amek las2 min..! waa..hepi gle tp bengang gak sbb kalo tau awal2 bek leh blkawal n relax kt mah xdela kne stay up till pg..

ari khamis selangor cuti..cuti ape pon aku xbape pasti..yg aku tau cuti,tu yg xde pe xtvt sgt la..just ptg nye aku n hsemate ke tesco bkt tinggi kononnye nk bli brg dapo..nk jd cite, mse nk parking (dlm tesco), tgh leka cari parking ni..signboard dlm parking tu jatuh betol2 dpn mate n kete mmb ku ni..waaaaa...tergamam dan terkejut..!!seb bek la kteorg xgerak sket je dlm 4-5m kete mmb aku tu..kalo kne, mak aih..xtau nk ckp per..luckily, xde pape..Alhamdulillah..

arini keje mood xde..ape je keje aku arini..dok ngadap claim yg xsiap2..ah lantak ah..sok tgk blk..hehe..

p/s: kak pid dh bersalin ker?hmm..nnt ku tepon die lah!
~luvs: anns~


arini 3rd dec

tarikh : 3hb disember 2008
tempat: ofis, meje Qs ku
jam: 3.30 ptg
status: ngh bersenang lenang..muahaha

wahh..ade mse plak aku berblog time2 keje neh..kuikui..ketua dept aku xde, so dpt le melepak jap, setelah sume keje disetelkn td..tu pon ade je lg keje..hihi

mebi mood bercuti terlalu kuat neh..sok pas keje nk g perak, lepak kt Pangkor..bestnye!..ade family day merangkap pegi ke majlis perkahwinan ofismate ku, kak nora..tahniah kak!

mgu dpn dh nk raye aji..cuti smpai slase td dh isi form nk cuti rabu memandangkn ari khamis cuti kt selangor..hope2 dpt risau gak, sbb on 11th, ade tender submission..*sigh..

sekian utk arini, blog ditangguhkn hingga diberitahu kelak..hahaha

~luvs: anns~



salam sume..
im back..pas stat keje, ni lah entry aku yg nk cite summary ari2 aku selame almost seminggu..

aku dh stat keje ari rabu yg lpas..1st day ok la..i used to work at ths compny notg much la..dh bese ngn environment kt ofis ni..hehe..2nd day dh g meeting ngn client..waa..quite bz la, sbb QS aku quite bz, so aku kne handle keje2 die n purchaser yg dh quit..adehh..overall, my work is ok..cme smlm stress sket sbb aku kne wat schedule of rate sorg2..kalo arge yg aku msukkn tgi,possibility kne omit ngn client..cuak siot kalo kne omit, kang compny ske ati aku la ltak, tp based on supplier's price la..hehe..ops!sory pd sesape yg xfhm ape yg aku cite ni yeh..

cite psal dissert, Alhamdulillah..dh setel wpn a very hectic to rush from putrajaya to shah alam to submit my dissert (cd + hard cover)..then msuk uitm, but then got to wait until 2pm..pastu ble nk submit, kne reject plak, xnk sticker cd cm gitu, nk yg tempah plak..aduh..tertekan!mntk tlg mmb watkn kt kdai tp cd lak rosak..dh blk ofis time tu, terpkse plak amek blk klang amek laptop sbb nk burn cd blk..waaaa..sgt tertekan..finally by 430 br leh submit pas setel sume..fuhhh~!tp yg siannye dpt phone call suh blk ofis sbb ade keje menanti..sob sob...

ari2 aku sama saje, tiada yg menarik..bgn pg g keje then blk mah dh nk maghrib, rehat2, then tdo..xde lifenyeee..smlm br dpt rehat sket (sabtu keje half day)..mlm dgn semangatnye g tgk wyg kt bukit tgi..xnk ckp ah tgk cite ape, tkut nnt kne gelak..hahaha..yg pastinya, aku sgt menyesal tgk cite tu..serik skali!..ade ke time sedih aku dan rerakan leh ketawe terbahak2...huhu...arini plak g jejalan pas blk ptg td, kelam kabut g angkt brg yg mseh tgl kt sek7..then sesampainye kt mah klang, tros mengemas sume brg2 ku..dh xsgp nk tgk beg bergelimpangan..hehe..pas siap kemas n mkn saje bukak laptop..suddenly...ade wireless!!!! haha..tersenyum lebar aku..stlah lme xapdet blog, FB, FS and etcs..maka wujudlah entry ni..hehe..

ni jela kot cite aku yg hamper seminggu ni..hehe..xde idea dh..chiow~

~luvs: anns~


>>las day

notg 2 say nk gak wat entry sbb cm dh lme jek xwat was my las day leh mengadap internet smpai muntah, las day melepak xde wat pe, las day kua melepak dgn teman2, las day stay kt mah swe tersyg ni...

sok segalanye akn bermula..kerja!!yeah aku sudah sume xtvt tu akn ku lupakan..i cn imagine hw bz i am ble dh keje..mungkin blog ni pon xterjenguk..amboi bunyi cm bz sgt la tu..hahaha..its depends..we'll wait n c..

so...acara penutup (wpn xrmai join), aku dan rakan2 kua mkn bersame kt kg baru td..pasni ble sume dh keje mest ssh nk jmp rmai2..waa..sob sob..xpe, if ade mse mari lah kte gathering k..1 more, kpd kwn2 ku, ade cdgn nk wat reunion within 1 year..kalo leh kte wat kt gempak xigt..hehe..cadangan saje..gonna mishh u ols laa..sume besh2 belaka..wahh, sedih plak rse..insyaAllah,kte akn berjmp lg ketika di hari kebesaran kte; convocation!! pd sesape yg just ddk kt lembah klang, jenguk2 la aku di shah alam ni..hehe..wish u all the best, n dapat gaji besau2, leh banje aku..kehkeh...

~luvs: anns~


tagged lg..layannnn~!

wahh..kne tagged lg,remi lg and azrie..mekaseh la yeh!:P


1-the rules of the game get posted at the beginning

2-each players answers the questions about themselves

3-at the end of the post the player then tags 5 people n posts their names,then goes to their blogs and leave a comment,letting them to know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

What were you doing at 10:17pm last night?
>>dlm kete otw nk g mkn steamboat

Besides this, what are you doing right now?
>>dgr hotFM

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
>>ianya adalah satu yg mustahil..kakaka

Who’s the funniest person you know?
>>sape eh?blurr..

Are you afraid to grow up?
>>tidaklah!itu normal kn..

What was your worst subject in school?
>>history..nape xtny yg plg bestt??

If you just drank 14 beers describe what you would be doing?
>>muntah kot..xtau, xpnh plak..

Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
>>pastinya ditutup!

When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong?
>>i dunno..mayb its my dissertation..

What are you wearing right now?
>>white tshirt

What are you listening to right now?
>>secondhand serenade - falls for u

Whats your favorite number?

How is the weather right now?
>>cuaca kelihatan cerah di shah alam skang..hope smpai ptg, sbb nk g mkn cendol pulut!yum2

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
>>las nite, kakakku-asyie

Do you smoke?
>>tidak pernah walau sekali

Eye Color?
>>hitam rsenye..hihi

Favorite Month?
>>July of cos..sbb ianye dh menandakan dh msuk setengah tahun ke 2 evry yr n its my bday!

What was the last movie you watched?
>>Hana yori dango the movie

Favorite Day of the Year?
>>hari raya, sbb bnyk bend berlaku pd arini..:)

If you could say something to someone right now what would you say?

Hugs or Kisses?

Are you still friends with people from school?
>>yezza..its my kisah klasik utk mse depan..*nnt kte wat reunion lg raye aji n di perkahwinan diah, shidah n wani k!!wawawa

Right-handed or Left-handed?
>>kanan ler

How many pillows do you sleep with?
>>ade 3 plus 1 spongebob!hehe

Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
>>alone..*ni kenyataan sblm kawen yeh..kikiki

What woke you up this morning?
>>tersedar dgn sndri dan 1st thgs yg dibuat is cari hp!waa xleh hdp tnp hp..

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
>>tiada kaitan ngn aku

Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
>>penah le..sian aku..haha

Are you picky about who you give your number to?
>>yerp coz i think its my privacy..

What do you prefer: McDonalds or Burger King?
>>mcd ah..

Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii?
>>hawaii le..

Did you have a good birthday this year?
>>no..coz i lost 2 person tht i love the most :(

Aku nak tag:
>>azizul, ajan


yeehuuuu!! degree has bn competed!! more exam, no more presentation, no more studying..insyaAllah..

supposed pg td ade viva presentation..utk sape xtau viva presentation is presentation for thesis..hmm..alhamdulillah nameku xtersenarai dikalangan yg bertuah krn yg bertuah hanyalah 11 org!what a relief..

tp mlm td rilek lg xprepare pape pon utk presentation pg td until kol 10mlm..wahh..time tu debaran memuncak ble br tersedar dr mimpi..haha..cuak berbakul2..sepantas kilat ku kuakn blk disert yg dh print utk dibace..tgk blk all the datas for my gen knwledge if cuaknye sekejap je pon..kol 12 setel pas otter sket slide, betulkn pe yg ptt..pastu rilek..haha

1230 try ah nk tdo..bgku tu waktu tdo plg awal tu..slalu kol3 br tdo..xpe, cbe gak..sudahnye xleh tdo, smpai 2x bkk laptop..akhirnye kol 330 br dpt lelapkn mate..seb baek leh bgn awal sbb kol 745 dh nk gerak..kunonnye list name kua b4 jam 8..

smpai fakulti kol8..dr parking nk ke blk coordinator tu Ya Allah! Tuhan jela yg tau..menggigil2 kaki ni nk berjalan..seb bek pkai wedges, kalo pkai heels mau dh terjatuh dh..hahaha..tbe dsne, kwnku cal ckp "xyah naek, name dh kua..ade 11 org je ni.." wah dgr tu lg cuak..sbb igt just 11org yg xkne..ngupenye 11org yg kne viva..huhu..lega gle!tgk bnyk kali gak, puny la stil tgu gak kalo2 ade 2nd list name mmg xde..hehe..tros serta merta perut lapa sbb las nite xmkn pe..muahaha..

tp walau ape pon aku harap aku pass sume la..xnk dh extend satu sem hepy gak ni..hihi..

dah2, carik keje!!gambatte ne~!

~luvs: anns~


I've been tagged!

aku telah di tagged oleh remi..waaa..siap remind plak tu..aduh..k2, remi..inilah jwpnnye..:P

starting time : 2044
name : Mariana
nick : yana, na, ana, anns
sisters : 2 elder sisters and 1 younger sister
shoe size : 5-6
height :1.57

where do you live : Shah Alam, Selangor
have u ever been in plane : Yes
swam in the ocean : Never, but pnh jatuh dlm laut mse kayaking
fallen asleep at school : Jarang ler..slalu thn jek
broken someone’s heart :Penah,my first love..hehe
fell off your chair : Penah
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Slalu gak especially ble gado hihi..
saved emails : Fwded mails from my fren, n when i thinks its realy important..
what is your room like : Biase tilam, almari, small Japanese table, n a racks..
what’s right beside you : Handphones, pen, a comb!:D
what is the last thing u ate : Wedges made by myhsemate..yummy2..
sore throat : dh lme xkne..xnk pon!ahaks..
broken nose : oh, xpnh lg i guess..

do you believe in love at first sight : not really..havent got any experience..:P
like picnic : Ske!tp jrg dpt g picnic..huhu
who was/were…the last person you danced with : my fren
last made you smile : when listening to especially for u, suggested by remi..hehe
last you last yelled at : oh i cant remember, when ah?
today,did you talked to someone you like : br beberape saat td..hehehe..its my B
kissed anyone :No
get sick :last 2days, selsema but kejap jek..seb baek!hehe
talk to an ex : dh lme sgt..smpai xigt..hehe..
miss someone : rindu kt my B, rindu kt abah, rindu kt sume!!
who do you really hate : ppl who forced me 2do which i dont like, back stab me, ppl who realy annoying n xfhm bahse..hahaha

do you like you hand-writing : yezza..realy like coz i think its nice to c..hahaha..puji dri sndri
are your toe nails painted : never
what color shirt are you wearing now : white..tshirt frm thai..
are you friendly person : i think so..u ols rse??hehe

do you have any pets : pnh ade kucing, named dino n dh mati dah..
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : sumtimes coz i think my lappy need rest too same as me..
what are you doing right now : jawab tag ni, chat, n listening to especially 4 u..
can you handle the truth : i think i can..have to!
are you closer to your mother or father : both, i love mak n abah!
do you eat healthy : yes, but ade mkn megi gak lately food dh lme xamek inclg air bergas..
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : no..thro it away alredy..
if you’re having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : my B..frens also..
are you loud or quiet most of the time : depends on my mood n situasi dimana sy berada..
are you confident : depends..if i realy know tht thgs, then ill be so confident..

5 things i was doing 10 years ago: i was in form 1..
1) waa..dh masuk skolah menengah!!hehe
2) tuka 3 buah skolah..
3) make frens
4) g skolah nek bus!teruja time tu sbb skolah rendah abah anta..
5) blaja rajin2 utk maintain my result..

5 things i would do if i were a billionaire:
1) bg abah n family
2) bukak double storey kdai..ats butik, bwh saloon..
3) bli BMW kot..not sure yet
4) shopping!!
5) g travel keliling dunia..

5 of my bad habits:
1) cerewet ttg mknn kot
2) cepat menanges ble berkaitan org yg disyg
3) xleh kua tanpa bli pape..
4) cepat sgt terase
5) ske bli brg tp xpkai..membazir!

5 places i’ve lived/living:
1) Segamat, Johor
2) Shah Alam, Selangor
3) Keramat, KL
4) Klang, Selangor
5) Pekan, Pahang

5 people i tagged:
~nk suh sape ekh??hold dlu lah..ahaks!


menoleh kebelakang seketika

salam utk sume..
tiada ape utk diperkatekn sbnrnye dlm blog ni..cme aku nk berkongsi cite ngn kamu sume ttg mse skolahku..memandangkn aku akn melangkah ke alam pekejaan so soon (insyaAllah!)..aku ske zaman skolah ku sbb mcm2 terjd..hihi..eniway, its my very precious experience and moments..1 day, ianya akn menjd satu kesah menarik utk dikongsi dgn ank2ku!(wahh berangan nk anak plak..hahah)..

bermula pd zaman tadika ku, sumenye berjalan lancar..tiada yg membimbangkn mak n abahku..hehe..segalanye bermula di skolah rendh..aku dh stat wat perangai time ni..aku xske g skolah!!!hahaha...lawak tul la aku ni..dtg skolah kol 730 then kol 10 time rehat mest aku blk..kiki..mcm2 alasan aku bg, aku sakit perut la, nk jge adek la..huhu..jage adek tu kelasku plak layan jek perangai aku ni..baeknye cikgu aku ni..mne ntah die skang?hmm..mekaseh krn melayan ank didikmu ni dgn kesabaran..2thn gak aku wat perngai cm gini..huhu...mak ngn abah saba gle melayan kerenah anaknye yg 1 ni..sayang mak n abah!

masuk skolah kesah lbh krg sme tp keadaan yg berbeza..form 1 aku skolah kt 3 buah skolah..KL, Pekan Pahang n dekat mah aku sndri..mle2 kt KL, skolah BBGS..waduhh..time ni xthn, culture shock 1 then homesick..hehe..nk cite pnjg sgt..bnyk gak kesah kt KL sbb kedegilan aku berkeras nk blk, then abah aku pon ikut jela ape aku nak..hehe..then aku skolah asrama kt Pekan..kali ni best gak ble skali outing blk mah, aku teros xnk blk asrama..haha..kali ni mak ngn aku saba gak wpn aku tau ade kekecewaan dlm hati mereka..*sigh..then akhirnye aku hny sklah kt mah aku jek..till abes spm..mse form 4 dpt teknik mak aku berkeras xkasi..sbb takut aku blk lg!kekeke..naseb bek aku xg..ntah2 aku pon blk lg kang..

ble zaman masuk U..hmm kali ni aku terpkse berjauhan ngn family aku..mak aku bkn men risau lg keadaan aku dok perjuangan harus diteroskn!ahaks..slowly i get used of smpai la skang..akhirnye berjaya selme 5thn lbh aku berjauhan ngn family homesick anymore..ddk jauh dr family, mengaja aku erti kematangan..mklum la hdp sendirian..kedegilan juga semakin bekurangan..rse berslah bnyk sshkn mak ngn abah aku mse dr zaman kecikku lg..smpai skang kot!hehe..

wahhh..rindunye zaman pkai uniform skolah!!!dont u??but we cant turning back our time..hanya teroskan hdp kehadapan..cme jgnla smpai terleka, sesekali kte perlu jg menoleh kebelakang..utk dijadikan pengajaran dan membaiki dri sndri..smge maju jaya pd sume!

~luvs: anns~


1 litre of tears

sebuah series Jepun yg dh ditygkn in aku br jek tgk..hikhik kesiannye..but nvr mind..cite ni diperknlkn oleh kwn aku mlenye..die kate aku pasti akn menanges la tgk cite ni, sedih gle..aku pon ckp "sedih sgt ker?kalo aku xnanges cane?"..haha..die dgn xpuas atinye berusahe mendonlod cite ni (bape ari ntah die donlodkn..hehehe)..mekaseh la yeh!

lpas siap donlod, 3ari yg lpas die pass cite ni kt hsemate aku..wpn aku ade paper ari jumaat (yeaa, dh abes exam!!), aku ttp layan smpai epi 8..balance 3 episode smpan pas abes exam..aku tny ending pd mmb aku 2org..2-2 xmo ckp..adehh geramnye..kte dorg xsurprise kunun..huh

meh cite sket psal cite ni..sbnrnye ni kesah benar yg betol2 berlaku kt Jepun..Aya berumo 15thn mengidap sakit saraf yg mengakibatkn die krg upaya utk berjalan, berckp dan pergerakan tgn..die nk bergerak, tp bdn die xmerelakan..sedih sgt la cite ni..aku admit xde menitiskn airmate lagi la..huhu..layan pny layan smpai epi 6, ade satu scene yg mne Ako (adek pompuan aya) menyedarkn adek lelaki die sbb adek laki die malu dgn keadaan kakaknye (Aya) sad, nmpk kaseh syg antre adek beradek wpn Ako ni pd mulenye nmpk mcm ignorance pd kakak die..2nd scene yg wat aku sedih mse epi 10 yg Aya dh terlantar kt hospital..mse tu die nk g toilet nk buang air kecil, tp die xmampu berjln dan die "ter" disitu..pd mse yg same Asou-kun (bf Aya) tgk keadaan die..sedih bangat keadaan die ble lelaki yg die syg tgk kejadian tu..dan scene yg lg 1 wat aku sedih yg mne Aya nk call mak die gne public phone tp xdpt sbb keadaan tgn die yg begitu lambat..naseb baek mak die terdetik utk dtg tgk Aya tgh2 mlm..sbnrnye Aya mmg perlukn mak die tyme tu..waduhh..

so pd kawnku tu, aku ngaku la cite ni sedih dan bisa menyentuh hatiku..sob sob..lg pula ni kesah benar kn..bnyk moral yg kte leh tgk dlm cite ni..ksh syg sebuah keluarge yg xhenti2 putus asa menjage sehingga 10thn lmenye..seorg bf yg sentiase memahami keadaan die, malah berusaha utk yg terbaek..kwn2 juga yg sentiase membantu, xpnh lari meninggalkn die..mknenye ssh sng aku sgt kesian dgn keadaan Aya sbbnye mse sehatnye seorg yg sgt active tp tb2 hilang daya upaya..i can feel her sme2 lah kte bersyukur dgn ape yg kte ade, hargailah selagi kte berupaya...

~luvs: anns~



dont knw wht to say day 2day is always da same as b4..wk up, then lunch, then study..ble study las paper mmg rse malas yg amat..standard la tu..mostly rmai yg cm gitu..aku pon xterkecuali..nmpk cm studi tp otak dh melayang ke mne org tersyg, pk nk blk mah, pk nk carik keje, pk mcm2 ni dh las paper, for ths semester n for my degree!!so i hope i can do it the best la 2morow..doakan aku ye kwn2..
~luvs: anns~


at 3AM!!

salam pg yg indah..
my day is a lil bit diff today..hehe..wonder y?i woke up early in the mornink, 830 am!wow..sgt mengejutkn dsbbkn kemlsan menyeliputi dri, aku pon just guling2 slpas meng'available'kn dri dlm dh 2jam, br le bgn sebetulnye..tu pon lpas dpt cnfrmation frm my fren utk studi bersme tgh bgn2 teros msak utk lunch..hentam jela ape yg ade..

after mkn, 1230 gerak le msk ke kt stdnt lounge..suddenly, wht an unexpected thg happen..huhu..terserempak wit my exbf in tht room!!wahhh..after quite 4 a long time xjmp, tbe2 jmp kt situ..terkedu cover la sbb rmai plak kt dlm tu..perlukn aku cite bend ni??huhu..xpe, studi n discussion ttp ditroskn till 5pm if im nt mistaken..misi study grp berjaye..tiade smbg kosong..huhu..then blk lepak mkn cendol ats cdgn aku..cendol pulut..yum2..haha..layann..lepak smpai kol6..

ble dh mlm, xde mood nk studi dh..mgkn otakku dh penat..just a small discussion wit my hsemate..then i just sit in frnt of my laptop, layan cite on9, chtg smpai muntah, layan blog org smpai berpinar mate ni n then tbe2 rse nk wat satu entry mlm silap pg dah..hihi..sbnrnye otakku dh berat ni..mate dh xleh focus, tp xtau nape bdn ni xleh nk gerak dr meje ku ni..aduh..but i think i shud go 2 sleep laa..utk elakkn pening lg..hihi..

ill stop here, to get some rest..till nex time, daa!

~luvs: anns~



A Friend's Love says:
" If you ever need anything,I'll be there."

True Love says:
" You'll never need anything;I'll be there."

- Jimi Hollemans -

in the GREEN mood

Green is the colour of life..
the colour that sustains life..
the colour that makes bread for us..
it is the colour of our mother Earth.

Green is the color of the heart chakra. Green is the color of nature. Green is the most predominant color on the planet. It balances our energies, and it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion. It represents purity and harmony. It has a calming effect, especially in inflamed conditions of the body. It is soothing to the nervous system. It is a great healer. It builds muscles, bones and other tissue cells. Its complement is magenta.

wahh..bgus juge efek kaler ijau ni yeh..dan dsbbkn itu aku memilih layout kaler ijau..lbh mendamaikn..hihi..lg pule, jika kte mengantok, silala pandang pd tumbuh2an hijau ye..utk terapi mengatok selain tk a deep breath!so pas ni nk carik baju kaler ijau la plak..wahh dh minat plak kaler ni plak..ahaks!hehe..

~luvs: anns~



what is claustrophobia??claustrophobia means fear of confined spaces..yg juge membwa mksd ketakutan kpd ruangan yg sempit dan tertutup..ianye tergolong dlm salah satu dprd kumpulan fobia..
why ths topic??fyi, aku sndri pernah mengalami phobia ni, utk jgke mase yg agak lame..aku takut ble berada dlm tempat yg sempit cthnye; toilet, gua, stor dan yg sewaktu dgnnye..aku xleh berada dlm toilet (cubical) yg bg aku sgt sempit..aku akn rse mcm dinding tu akan himpit aku dlm tu..its true!!aku xtpu n im sure msg2 mest akn ade ketakutan msg2 kn??slowly, aku rse ketakutan tu sedikit terhakis tp sumtimes ttp ade..
apa kaitannya??hmm..lately, aku mengalami pening kepala yg agak terok..pelbagai andaian aku wat..mungkin megi, terlalu bnyk minum kopi dan selalu tdo lewat..sume tu mungkin factor penyumbang 2 my sickness..
tapi..surprisingly, aku dh jmp ape penyebabnye..nk tau ape??inilah kaitannye dgn phobia aku tu..sejak blk raye, aku jrg kua rumah, study nk exam..jd hidup aku leh kte 24 hours dlm rmh n 2b specified, dlm blk..blk aku yg plg kecik dlm rumah lpas blk dr kua dr pg (xde pening), aku masuk jek dlm blk, aku teros rse pening..muingkin sbb aku xde kua lnsg so dh naek muak dan nk muntah ngadap blk ni..aku rse blk ni sempit n sgt tertutup..
what shud i do??aku pnh mengalami mslah yg sme mse dok kolej, tp mse tu aku rse blk kt kolej aku tu quite yg ni..aduhh..cane aku nk study 4 my las paper?pening satu, my rooms env!
any1 pernah mengalami masalah yg sme ngn aku??any suggestion 4 me?


Quantum of Solace

Yeah..akhirnye cite yg ku tunggu kua di pawagam..then dgn bangge dan xsabarnye aku bersame rkan2 g la tgk di ari pertama tyangnnye..msuk2 org xrmai lg..slowly, hall dilihat smkn penuh..wahh..rate2 mesti excited kn nk tgk cite ni cm aku kn?ehehe.. dimulakan tygnnye..first nk cite psal soundtrack die..kali ni soundtrack bond dinyanyikn oleh alicia keys feat sape ntah aku xpsan dan xdpt knl pasti suare die..hmm, aku xberape ske sgt la lagu die ni..lg ske soundtrack Casino Royale, u knw my name by chriss cornel..hehe..

quantum of solace is all about revenge la..n dsbbkn mistaken identity, maka bond pon berkenalan ngn Camille (Olga Kurylenko)..aku ske tgk tone kulit pompuan ni..kale bronze tu..cantek ah..hihi..back to the aku personally, tidak menggemari sequel kali ni..jln cite yg tidak bape action is nt bad la..yg pntg bond sentiase nmpk hebat krn leh membwe pelbagai kenderaan termsuk kete, boat dan juge kapal terbang..hebat la kn?cm bese..haha dlm cite ni gak die bwk kte ke 3 negara, italy, austria dan south america..

for me, aku kecewa tgk cite ni..membosankn..dh le ade mslah penghawa dingin dlm hall..lg la aku pnas..adehh..mungkin aku letak high expectation utk yg kali ni n mungkin krn aku ske prev sequel; Casino Royale..but its up 2u to judge by urself..g la ke pawagam berhampiran kamu kalo nk tau setakat mane kehebatan cite ni..aku??kecewe~!

~luvs: anns~


its what in my mind 2day..

nmpknye pening pale aku dtg lagi..mebi mkn megi bnyk sgt lately?n its mk me addicted to tryin to nt tkg any medicine if pening..jus gne minyak angin jek, but ths time i HAVE to..waaa!!xnk let its getting worst!

n becoz of my headache, i cant do anytg..seb baek my nex paper lmbt xtvts day to day is oni sit in front of my laptop, surfing internet, chatting, watching online series n of cos sleepin'!!what a heaven i dnt knw y, i cant watch movie dgn skali tgk saje..ill nd in min 3 days to finish 1 movie!believe it or nt, its the reality...if in cinema, ill always watchg at my watch n thinkg "ble cite ni nk abes??lmenye..." even cite besh cane pon, mest akan jd cm gini..wonder y??cos, i easy to get bored..haha..

wpn aku ade mslh tgk movie, but, ianye xmenghalang aku nk tgk movie mlm ni..waitg quite for a long time, i cant wait 2c my fav movie, bond: quantum of solace!!xsabanye..mlm ni tgk midnite kul 11 kt tgv bukit raja..dan janji ngn rerakan n dah book pon!tqvm la pd org yg tlg book tu ;) kang dh tgk, kte kasi review itu cerite! hehe..hope no disapointment k!!

in a meantime, im also seeking for a if there is any job in ur company, just let me knw..itu pon kalo nk kasi la..haha..trying to mk a very convincing resume, so tht mayb leh dpt keje yg besh!hehe..insyaAllah..ngh isi government gak, tp bkn sng nk dpt kn?ala, cbe2 naseb, kalo dpt alhamdulillah la, rezeki...:) my fren rmai yg dh dpt keje ni wpn exam lom abes..n its mk me in stress!waaa..nk jugakkk..xpe, saba yana saba..setelkn pe ade dpn mate dlu k! exam n oral viva tu..

cite psal exam, nex paper is Management Principle and Practice IV on of my fav subject since in semester 1..eventho i dnt lk readg subject, but mgt is interestg laa!its encourage us to thnk how to manage sumtg, hw to make a decision, hw to deal wit diff behavior of ppl..which cn applied in our daily life..then its the reason y like ths subject..but ble nk exam ttp stress sbb bnyk sgt tajuknye!!adehhh...but nvr mind, try to study smart ya! haa, tu pon mgt gak tu!ahaks..

so skang ni waktu2 cm gini (kol 1tghhari), xsesuai nk studi ni...hehe..alasan!kehkeh..jadi pe kate kte layan facebook jap!bnyk application yg menarik menanti anda..:D k la, nk layan jap..daa!

~luvs: anns~


arini 3hb nov..(mlm version..hehe)

otakku maseh xmenentu..mkn stil xlalu..knp begini yeh?aku sndri pelik ngn dri sndri aku nk share satu cite yg dh berlaku sebentar td..nk jd kesahnye, aku ngn nor (my hsemate!) g le ke rmh matyi kwnku nk g rembat movie utk dilayan dikala bosan merempit le sekejap wpn xjauh mne pon..but surprisingly, im too excited membonceng moto ngn nor td..adehh..sedang nek moto td aku leh ckp ngn nor "nor! beshnye nek moto mlm2..jom kte g jln2!"..hahaha..nor dh wat mke pelik (wpn aku xnmpk, tp aku leh bygkn!..) sesungguhnye, mmg aku hepi gle n rse sgt seronok nek moto td..kalo leh nk nor bwk aku keliling satu shah alam utk menghiburkn ati yg sedang lara ini...cehh! pekan daye, xbrani plak pompuan jln2 nek moto mlm2..bhye!sok nk suh nor bwk aku jln2 lg ah tp nk time mlm jek..hahaha..mest korg pelik kn nape aku excited gle nek moto td??haha..ntah le, tp yg pntg ianye dh membuatkn ari ku kembali sedikit ceria..hehe..mekaseh nor!:D...dpt le aku melpekn kesah exam pg td..hehe..cite psal exam pg td..haa..aku dgn banggenye telah memangkah jadual aku utk paper constech..huh!nk tgk jadual studi aku yg aku tmpal kt dinding??hehe..ade kt bwh ni ha..layannn..!
alamak!buruknye jadual aku!hehe
~luvs: anns~

arini 3hb nov..

pg td ade paper constech IV 9-12..mak aih..soklan yg membencikn..ade yg bajet tu kua yg sakit ati maintenance policy xde kua walau sezarah pon!!geramnyee...tup2 die leh kua planning plak..adehh..terpkse la jwb soklan laen yg pasl issue yg aku leh ktekn aku hentam 100%..tekanan!!tp aku xtau nape aku xde mood sgt jwb paper td..leh dok termenung jek, xde td b4 g exam, tepon abah dlu..nk nanges rase, dh bergenang pon airmate ni ha(mmg slalu cani pon!)..slalunye ade mak..:( blk je exam, B msg..pon nk nanges gak!aduhai..asal la nk sensitif sgt ni?g mkn pon xlalu nk mkn..ape yg xkne ngn aku ni??waaaa!!!tp aku harap paper td lulus la, nk grade, nk keje...doa2kn la yeh..xtau nk ckp pe dah..blur,sedih,risau,hepi,dsbnye...daa!
~luvs: anns~


tika dan saat ini..

salam di pg yg indah..
waktu dilaptopku menunjukkn jam 230 pg..wahh maseh lom tdo aku..nk tau knp??studi le ape lg..huhu..ade exam ari isnin ni so skang ni struggle le sket (struggle ke?cm bnyk maen jek..huhu) br pas abes bce land reclamation..bosannye!!tu ok lg, jgn roadwork..tu mmg xle blah lnsung..kalo ikt jadul pembelajaranku, sok aku dh kne stat studi defect..stakat ni maseh ikut jadul lg tu la, still kne bce lg skali utk kuatkn daya pemahaman..adehh!!knp la kne ade final exam??kalo xde xleh ker?bosan lah..sanggup aku wat asg jek..haha..kalo la aku VC uitm, mmg slamat ah student uitm xde final exam..haha..ske ati aku jek!..mne leh beb, sume tu utk menguji kefahaman student kn..cehh jwb sndri lah akibatnye kalo dh bosan nk blaja..xpe2..sket lg nk abes ni (insyaAllah, doakan aku berjaye abeskn degree ni k!)..oh! otakku perlukn rehat dr belaja..dh 5 thun stret blaja tanpe henti, padan la aku jd cm gini..aduhh..kan dh ade luahan hati dlm blog ni..haha..neway, to all my fren (especially CMian 04), aku ucpkn gud luck 4 ur final k?smoge kte grade sesame bln 5, 2009 k!aminn..erkk, cm dh bnyk melalut ni..

(sekadar gmb hiasan..ahaks!- its my fren's wed..)

..semoge ketemu lg di laen mase..


teka gambar

dissbkn bosan dan tertekan dgn brite yg br dpt (sape xg modul, xleh grade~~!!!waaa...nnt akn ku cite lg psal bend ni...), maka aku dgn tenang hatinya, membt satu post utk arini..
hmm..jika kamu sume terer dan bijak dan pandai, cbe kamu teka dimanakah gmb2 ni terletak??hehe.. ape mcm?sudah dpt teke?hehe...
..semoge ketemu lg dilaen mase..
~luvs: anns~


Open HSe Aidilfitri di Depavali ;)

arini dh 27hb bersamaan 27Syawal..maseh ade rknku yg wat open org dh jemput g ajela..mira namenye (xclassm8 mse part1 degree)..mah die kt ss22 PJ, dgn ketereran nazmi (laki abit), maka kami tidak sesat dan slmt smpai..huhu..sesampai jek pe lg??mkn bnyk antrenye laksa, ketupat n rendang mest ade, meehun n mknn smpingan dan desert juga sbnrnye rindu gak kt mira tu yg g jugak ni..dh lme xjmp die (padahal ade gak jmp dlm bln8 aritu..)hehe..jadi, dgn berbekalkn kamera hp SE ku yg xseberape canggih ni, sempat jua mengabadikn gmb kami bersme..
jadi, layaannnn...!
yg berbaju itam tu lah mira ;)

sebelum blk kne pose dlu..abit ngn nor bengang jek!huhu
~luvs: anns~

gambo ulu yam!!

so seperti yg dijanjikn..stlh matyi kwn (tqvm u!) send gmb di ym, akhirnye aku pon nk upload la kasi tgk sket..hehe..
ni cme sebahagian saje..kre ok la kn..huhu

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~


ulu yam epi 2

knp epi 2??haha..sbbnye ini kali ke2 penganjurannye bg batch dec06-oct08..huhu..atas permintaan rmai (yg akhirnye yg join sket je pown!), aku dgn ringan mulutnye mengusulkn pd kecik a.k.a fairuzzaman sahabatku..dh rancang bkn men sebulan awal, so kre nk warn awal2 la pd bdak2 spy jgn blk awal (dh msuk study week, yg sememangnye sume rmai nk blk) ble tbe msenye sket je pon nk ikt serta..but never mind..less is easy..hehe..

mse nk dekat tarikh ni (25hb 10) aku pon igt ingin menarik dri dr mnyertai tu lah, aku ni boleh kte xkn miss all the terpkse la gak g (cehh..padahal mmg nk g..ahaks!)..tugas aku dan rkan2ku serumah ialah memasak ns grg, coslow n sandwich..mau pengsan gak nk wat tu utk 30org dgn kelengkapan yg tak cukup..seb bek abit a.k.a mrs nazmi rela hati utk membuatkn sandwich di rmhnye..fuhhh..ringan sket tugas kteorg (aku, el n nor)..

pg2 bgn kul 6 nk msak ni..bhn2 dh sediakn waktu mlm td b4 tdo (kami tdo kol3...)..masak la dgn kelam kabutnya..ntah sedap ntah tidak..lantak ah peduli ape, asal leh 7.25 br la driver kami (matyi a.k.a azrie) menjemput kami then kmpul kt shell fed..sampai2 kne maki ngn fak.."kate nk gerak kol 7.30??"haha..sory beb, bkn salah kami..salahkn driver kami..haha..dlm kol 8 br kteorg gerak ke ulu yam..kete 3 bijik dan moto xtau plak bil nye..huhu..ketua xtvt dh menunggu disane..sampai bt cave kne tgu nazbit plak..adela nk dekat setengah jam..

sesampainye di sne sume dh ade, dah teros nk bakar ayam n etc..ade yg dh terjun dlm air..adeh!!nk joinn tp sbnrnye penakut air aku disbbkn xthn tgk nor ngn el nun disane..aku pon beranikn dri..tu pon setelah diyakinkn oleh yg len..haha..dah masuk xigt la plak nk nek ats g mkn.."xpela, bia dorg mkn dlu"-kte el..lme gak berendam dlm tu..sbbkn mknn yg bnyk, aku tgk dak laki sume menghentam segala yg ade..ahaha..xpe2, kalo x, sape lg nk abeskn kn?

dah setel sume kol 130 br siap sedia nk pulang..blk bkn men jamm lg, ya rabbi..adehh, saba jela..xcident la pe la..smpai shah alam kol 330 roughly..akibat terlalu penat, aku teros tdo tnpe menukar baju!!hahaa..but neway, enjoy ah kali ni sbb aku msuk dlm mebi las xtvt kteorg satu batch bersame2..yela nk grade dh xtau la plak kalo ade any ad-hoc xtvt after exam..huhu..pape jgn lpe info..utk gmb2 disne akn dimsukkn dikemudian ari..tgu matyi kwnku bg..hehe

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~

special thanks to Dir

haa..if u ols nk tau, dir ni lah yg aja saye psal blog hasilnye..wahh dh ade layout n some cool widgets..hehe..mekaseh bebanyak ye dir..

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~

first post

finally i hv my own blog..:D ni lah akibatnye krn terlalu bosan n dunno wht 2 do..stil young in ths field (cewahh), so xbape tau ler nk tulis ape, nk letak ape, nk edit slowly, saye akan blaja permulaan, let me introduce myself Mariana,23,F..

gmb ni diamek ketika pegi trip ke bangkok-pattaya..besh gle bangat..7d6n what a long story bout ths trip, it may take a long mayb nex post saye akn cite k..

but neway, im still too excited wit my new blog..its kind of my new life has been started..nmpknye dh ade xtvt br utk dilakukan..huhu..

until 2c u nex time, ja ne!

~luvs: anns~